Chapter 6: Team Kamen's First Move

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Team Kamen went back to the hideout. They told Nikolas the Intel they got on the three teens.

Grim: Sir, we found the location of those three teens.(Nikolas)
Mary: Um, actually it was me.(Nikolas)
Evan: Does it really matter.(Himself)

Then Nikolas had a plan to get Team Kibo.

Nikolas: Perfect. I have a plan, we attack them head on.(All)

But Grim had a better idea. He told Nikolas that he noticed a hospital next to the school, so he thought of attacking the hospital, then Team Kibo will be forced to attack us and they will reveal themselves.

Grim: Sir, I have a better plan.(Nikolas)
Nikolas: And what might that be.(Grim)
Grim: Well, when we were looking for them. I noticed a hospital, that was next to the high school.(Nikolas)
Nikolas: What are getting at?(Grim)
Grim: Why don't we attack the hospital. Then they'll have to fight us. Because they wouldn't let those innocent people die.(Nikolas)

Nikolas agreed that that was a perfect plan. So Nikolas went with Grims plan.

Nikolas: Thats perfect. I like that plan, but you three go. And don't kill those people in the hospital, your focus is them not the people in the hospital. So don't waste your power on them. I would go, but I still have some things to complete.(All)

But Nikolas didn't want Team Kibo dead. He told them that he wants to see all of Team Kibo's power. So he told them not to kill them and to just make them, weak, weak enough so they wont have to get up. And after Team Kibo is weak. Nikolas told them to escape and come back to the hideout.

Nikolas: But before you go let me tell you this, I don't want them dead. I want to attack, attack them until there weak. Because I want to see there power. So don't kill them. Escape once there down, and come back to the hideout, to tell me the power that they have.(All)
Mary: Sounds confusing, but OK!(Nikolas)
Grim: Alright I got the plan.(Nikolas)
Evan: Lets kick some butt.(Himself)
Nikolas: This will be our first move.(All)

Back at school. While Team Kibo was in Mr.Stewart's class learning about history. There was a big explosion.

Mr.Stewart: And that is how the Cold War started.(Class)
People: Oh my gosh what the heck happened to the hospital.(Themselves)
Zeke: What the hell.(Himself)
Serenity: The people in the hospital.(Herself)
Steve: This is bad.(Himself)

The explosion was caused by the three villains, and they did attack the hospital. The principal was on the innercom, and he told them that they were going on lockdown just to be safe. Because the explosion was next to school.

Principal: Hello students there was a big explosion in the hospital. We don't know how it happened, but I need every student to stay in the classroom. As of now we are going on lockdown.(School)

Mr.Stewart distracted the students by showing the class a history video, so Team Kibo could escape to fight Team Kamen

Mr.Stewart: OK class, I don't see the point of teaching this lesson, because I'm sure most of you are probably freaking out right now. So we are going to watch a history movie.(Class)
Zeke: Come on, lets get out of here.(Both)
Steve: Right behind you.(Zeke)
Serenity: Lets stop those freaks.(Both)
Mr.Stewart: Good luck you three.(Himself)

While Team Kibo was running outside, a blast came out of nowhere. The blast got Team Kibo hurt.

Zeke: Ouch, what the heck was that.(Himself)
Steve: That blast it must be.(Himself)
Serenity: Dang that was big.(Herself)

Then Team Kamen appeared.

Grim: Looks like my plan worked.(Both)
Evan: Those fools fell for it.(Grim)
Mary: You guys are stupid.(All)
Steve: It's them.(Both)
Zeke: So these are the people who are going to destroy this dimension.(Himself)
Serenity: We won't let them destroy this dimension.(Both)

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