Chapter 5: Bullies

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It was Serenity's, Zeke's, and Steve's third week of school. Nothing really happened, Team Kamen are still searching for them.

Evan: Where in the hell are those three?(Himself)
Grim: Mary can you sense their presence?(Mary)
Mary: One of them would have to use an attack for me to sense their exact location.(Grim)

They got bored of school, because they never thought it would be so boring, but Serenity was the only one who actually enjoyed going to school. It was lunch, while Team Kibo were talking about how bored they were about school, except for Serenity.

Zeke: Man school is so boring, I mean how do humans even deal with stuff like this.(Steve)
Steve: I know, going to school for eight hours a day. This is torchure.(Zeke)
Serenity: I don't know what you guys are complaining about I love school. It's fun, and they give us free lunch.(Both)
Steve: What's going on over there.(Himself)
Zeke: It looks like a fight is happening, come on lets go check it out.(Both)

These bullies were picking on some kid. They were beating him up outside of the cafeteria. And while they were fighting, knowing high schoolers, they didn't defend the guy or call any of the teachers to break up the fight.

Nikki: Please, leave me alone. I don't like when you beat me up.(Jack)
Jack: Shut up, no one will help you. You loser.(Nikki)
Nikki: I wish you guys would just leave me alone.(Jack)
Jack: Aww, too bad.(Nikki)

Then Steve wanted to help the kid, but Serenity told him that Mr.Stewart told them not to attract any attention to themselves. Zeke didn't really care what Steve did.

Steve: We have to go help the guy out. He's getting beat up.(Both)
Serenity: I want to help him out too. But remember what Mr.Stewart told us to not attract any attention to ourselves.(Steve)
Steve: So what we're just gonna let him get beat up.(Serenity)
Zeke: I really don't care what you do Steve, but if you think helping the kid is a good idea then help him. Serenity let him do what he thinks is right.(Both)
Serenity: Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.(Steve)

Then the bullies were about to punch him hard in the stomach, while his fist was about to hit the kid. Steve just came in and blocked his punch.

Jack: See ya later Nikki! This will teach you not to mess with me.(Nikki)
Nikki: I wish someone would just stand up for me just this once.(Himself)
Jack: What the?!(Himself)
Steve: Back off the kid. And leave now before things get worse for you.(Jack)

The leader was shocked that someone came to the kids rescue.

Jack: So looks like someone in this school has the guts to face me. But big mistake, savior.(Steve)

Jack didn't listen to him. So the Jack ran towards him, and kept throwing punches, and Steve dodged all of them. Steve took down Jacks friends fast.

Jack: Lets get him boys. Teach him to never mess with us.(Friends)
Steve: I warned you.(Jack)
Jack: Stay still so I can punch you. Arg, that's it!(Steve)
Steve: Is that the best you can do. I thought you were tough. I guess not.(Jack)
Jack: Shut the hell up!(Steve)

Jack got blown away by Steve's Soft Mecha Punch, but he didn't hurt Jack to hard.

Jack: This can't be happening.(Himself)
Steve: It's over. SOFT MECHA PUNCH!(Jack)

Then after Steve did his Mecha Punch. Mary found there location. She found them by his move.

Mary: You guys, I found their location.(Both)
Grim: Where are they.(Mary)
Mary: They are at some high school.(Grim)
Evan: Lets go to them.(Both)
Grim: Excellent.(Himself)

After that Steve helped the kid out by picking him up. Steve was talking to the kid for a little while.

Steve: Hey you OK?(Nikki)
Nikki: Yeah, but why did you help me.(Steve)
Steve: I really hate people getting beat up, and no one does anything but laugh.(Nikki)
Nikki: Thank you, I really appreciate it.(Steve)
Steve: It's time for you to not be a loner anymore. Come hang out with me, and my two friends.(Nikki)
Nikki: OK, I will.(Steve)

After they talked Steve invited the kid to his table. Team Kibo asked him why those guys are always picking on him. He explained.

Steve: Hey. I would like you two to meet. Oh that's right I never got your name.(All)
Nikki: My name is Nikki.(Steve)
Steve: Well Nikki, this is Serenity, and Zeke. Oh yeah I forgot to ask you why were those guys beating you up.(Nikki)
Nikki: The reason why they pick on me is because they know that I'm always correcting them. That's why Jack, and his friends pick on me.(All)
Zeke: Well that's stupid, you shouldn't get picked on just because you're always correcting them.(Nikki)
Steve: Luckily I showed Jack up, in front of all those students.(Nikki)
Serenity: I really hate bullies.(Nikki)

So Steve told him that he could hang out with them from now on.

Steve: Well, you could hang out with us from now on. And we'll defend you again if they try to beat you up.(Nikki)

While that whole scene was going on. The fighting, and the talking the bad guys were watching them.

Grim: So looks like this is where they're at.(Himself)
Mary: So are we gonna tell our leader.(Both)
Evan: He did say not to fight them when we found them. So lets go.(Mary)

After Team Kamen talked they disappeared.

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