Chapter 21: Captain Hero Vs. Team Kamen

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Team Kamen looked at Captain Hero and said so you came Mr.Stewart.

Grim: So Mr.Stewart looks like you came to save these pathetic humans.(Captain Hero)

Then Captain Hero said who is this
Mr.Stewart. So Mr.Stewart can keep his identity a secret.

Captain Hero: Who is this Mr.Stewart you speak of? I am Captain Hero.(Grim)

Team Kamen came after Captain Hero.

Evan: OK Captain Hero. Prepare to die, by Team Kamen.(Captain Hero)
Grim: Let's make him regret, he faced us!(Evan)
Evan: Right!(Grim)

Captain Hero dodged all the punches that they threw at him.

Captain Hero: Is that the best you can do. My grandmother punches more faster than that.(Both)

Grim used Scythe Slash, and Evan used Hair Stab, they used it at the same time. Mr.Stewart used Hero Block.

Grim: We'll see about that! SCYTHE SLASH!(Captain Hero)
Evan: HAIR STAB!(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: Oh no, HERO BLOCK!(Himself)

He blocked Evans attack, but he got sliced by Grim's attack.

Evan: Damn, he blocked my attack.(Himself)
Grim: But not mine. Slice!(Evan)
Captain Hero: Ack! He managed to get my stomach.(Himself)

Back at the training facility. Team Kibo felt something strange. They sensed that Mr.Stewart was in trouble. They met up in the center of the facility. Steve said they need to go help them. Team Kibo agreed.

Steve: Mr.Stewart.(Himself)
Serenity: Danger.(Herself)
Zeke: It can't be.(Himself)
Serenity: Do you guys feel that.(Team Kibo)
Team Kibo: Yeah.(Serenity)
Nikki: Mr.Stewart's in trouble. Let's go save him.(Team Kibo)
Serenity: Yeah before it's too late. Let's go, Come on!(Team Kibo)
Captain Hero jumped and he used Hero Clones.
Captain Hero: HERO CLONES!(Himself)

Three clones appeared one on left,one on right,one in front and,and the real one in back. Captain Hero's clones surrounded Team Kamen.

Evan: Do you really think these three clones will stop us.(Captain Hero)
Grim: Evan jump!(Evan)
Evan: Right.(Grim)

Grim used Death Wave, and all of Captain Hero's clones turned into skeletons.

Grim: DEATH WAVE!(Himself)
Hero Clones: Ahhh.(Themselves)

The real Captain Hero had his right arm turned into bones. He chopped his right arm off. So his right arm wont have to be a distraction.

Captain Hero: Damn, my right arm. I'll have to chop it off. I don't want it to be a distraction. HERO CHOP! That hurt.(Himself)

Then Team Kamen was talking to Mr.Stewart. They told Captain Hero all of their plans.

Grim: Do you really think you and Team Kibo can stop us.(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: Honestly, at first no. But we have something you will never have. And that is hope. We all believe in each other.(Grim)
Evan: Lets see if they have hope after we accomplish our plans.(Captain Hero)
Grim: We have Chompy in our possession. Evan controlled Steve, to make Chompy into Chompy 2.0.(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: Chompy 2.0. What are you talking about?(Grim)
Evan: That is our secret weapon to destroy the city and Team Kibo. Our leader is also trying to find the Sepu. Which you already know is Nikki. And he will succeed in the fusion.(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: Fusion?!(Himself)
Grim: You're all idiots, because Zeke was right.(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: Right about what?(Grim)
Grim: About Mary being the monster. See we all have masks, and we grew tails thanks to our masks.(Captain Hero)
Evan: And after we die that's when our masks break, and also our tails determines our true form.(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: Why didn't we believe Zeke.(Himself)
Grim: So now do you have hope?(Captain Hero)

Captain Hero asked why would they tell him all of their plans. Team Kamen responded.

Captain Hero: Why would you tell me all of your plans?(Team Kibo)
Evan: Because after our battle you won't be alive to stop us, or tell Team Kibo.(Captain Hero)

Captain Hero said shut up, and he used Hero Punch. He was going after Grim, then Grim jumped.

Captain Hero: Shut up! HERO PUNCH!(Evan)
Grim: To slow!(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: What the?! He jumped.(Himself)

While Grim was in the air. Evan slashed Captain Hero. But it was actually a clone.

Evan: Did you forget about me!?(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: What the Ack! Heh.(Himself)
Evan: What the hell. It was just a clone. Then where's the real one?(Himself)

The real Captain Hero was above Grim. Grim was surprised.

Captain Hero: Above Grim!(Evan)
Grim: What the hell. How did he?(Himself)

Captain Hero used Hero Kick.

Captain Hero: HERO KICK! Haaa(Himself)
Grim: Gack! (Himself)

He kicked Grim to the ground.

Captain Hero: That's done. Pant...pant(Himself)

Evan used Ponytail Choke.

Evan: There's still me to fight. PONYTAIL CHOKE!(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: What the hell.(Himself)

Evan grabbed Captain Hero's neck with his pony tail. Evan was choking Captain Hero.

Evan: Looks like you got to happy, that you forgot about me.(Captain Hero)
Captain Hero: You...little...(Evan)
Evan: Grim get up.(Grim)

Grim got up, and he told Captain Hero, you are no match for Team Kamen.

Grim: That was a nice move. But you were still no match for us. Team Kibo will die trying to face Team Kamen. Any last words before you die?(Captain Hero)

Then Captain Hero said some memorable words. After he said that.

Captain Hero: Black hearted evil is no match for brave hearted heroes.(Team Kibo)

Grim used Scythe Stab.

Grim: Well said words. Now that you're done.(Captain Hero)
Evan: Finish him.(Grim)
Grim: With pleasure. SCYTHE STAB.(Himself)

Grim's scythe went through Captain Hero's stomach Team Kibo arrived,but they were too late.

Zeke: Mr.Stewart!(Captain Hero)
Steve: No!(Himself)
Serenity: Is this really happening.(Herself)
Captain Hero:

Captain Hero was bleeding on the floor. Team Kamen left. The guys went after them, but they disappeared before they got to them.

Nikki: Steve, Zeke let's get them.(Both)
Steve: You'll pay! You heartless monsters.(Team Kamen)
Zeke: You're gonna pay for that!(Team Kamen)
Grim: Let's go we're done here. Our mission is complete. No need to fight them.(Evan)
Evan: Yeah, they aren't part of our mission.(Grim)

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