Chapter 9: Preparation

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Team Kibo arrived at the 4 Corners Monument.

Zeke: This is the four corners monument, it's different than I expected.(Himself)
Serenity: Lets do the thing that Mr.Stewart told us to do.(Both)
Steve: Lets get some training done.(Both)

Team Kibo did the thing that Mr.Stewart told them to do once they arrived at the 4 Corners Monument. After they did the dimension and name thing, in the middle of the 4 Corners Monument.

Serenity: Serenity from the dimension of Shoki.(Four Corners)
Steve: Steve from the dimension of Mechos.(Four Corners)
Zeke: Zeke from the dimension of Magicka Spellis.(Four Corners)

It opened up. They all fell into a dark room.

Team Kibo: What the heck!? Were gonna fall.(Both)

Zeke used a light spell so they could see in the dark.

Steve: Zeke do a light spell.(Zeke)
Serenity: Yeah I'm getting scared.(Zeke)
Zeke: Alright, it might be bright. THGIRB THGIL.(Himself)
Steve: You call that a light.(Zeke)
Serenity: That's a small light.(Zeke)

Zeke found a switch. Zeke pulled it.

Zeke: Well sorry. I'm tired from all that walking. Wait a second I found a switch.(Both)

The switch was actually a light switch. The room was bigger when Zeke flipped the switch.

Steve: Woah, now that's a light.(Zeke)
Zeke: Is this what we'll be training in.(Himself)
Serenity: This place is bigger than I thought.(Herself)

Back at Mr.Stewarts house. Mr.Stewart was worried for Team Kibo. He thought the training wouldn't work, and they would still lose to Team Kamen. But he had faith in them.

Mr.Stewart: I'm worried about those three. What if the training doesn't work. No I have to have faith in them. They can defeat Team Kamen. Besides the prophecy determines it all.(Himself)

He looked at the prophecy again and he saw something that he didn't notice before. Mr.Stewart
saw a kid. That kid was helping Team Kibo.

Mr.Stewart: What the heck. There is something different about the prophecy. There's a kid helping Team Kibo.(Himself)

He was wondering who could that be. And there was another thing he noticed he saw a big mecha animal.

Mr.Stewart: And it looks like there is another thing. But this thing looks like a mecha animal.(Himself)

He said to himself that those things never appeared in the prophecy before, so whats going on.

Mr.Stewart: What the hell is going on here. These two things never appeared here before.(Himself)

Back at the hideout. Nikolas was talking to himself.

Nikolas: Everything is going as I expected. Team Kibo is training, Mr.Stewart is by himself. And also my team is training.(Himself)

Nikolas thought he just cant do anything while people are distracted.

Nikolas: I just can't sit around and not do anything. Now CLONES SEPARATE!(Himself)

Since the school was closed he sent out one of his clones to go get information on Team Kibo.

Nikolas: I want you to go to that school that Team Kibo has been going to. And find the information of their records, and bring it back to me.(Clone 1)
Nikolas(Clone 1): Yes Sir.(Nikolas)

The other clone was going to go see what he could do with the secret weapon.

Nikolas: And while he's doing that I want you to go work on the secret weapon.(Clone 2)
Nikolas(Clone 2): Alright.(Nikolas)

The last clone was going to find the Sepu.

Nikolas: Now that leaves you the last clone. I want you find the Sepu. If you can't find him. That's fine, this process might take longer than expected.(Clone 3)

Nikolas had everything planned. He had everything wrapped around his finger.

Nikolas: Everything is wrapped around my finger. No one can stop me.(Himself)

Team Kibo put down all of there stuff and the training began.

Team Kibo: Alright, it's time to start our training so we can defeat Team Kamen.(Themselves)

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