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Shelves p.o.v
After Alex calked me, i tried to call him back. I never ever got an answer. I started talking to Luke. We became really close again. People say he changed me, but really Alex leaving changed me. I cut my hair and always straitened it. I also got my braces off and I'm in love with my teeth. I tried to make myself a different person, so every time I look on the mirror I won't remember Alex. I missed him so much mad when I saw him in my door way i almost died. He's so hot. Especially with his hair cut, but I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for him......again. I know he will leave one day and I can't have my heart broken again. We pulled up at a Mexican restaurant and I hopped out of the car. Everyone was there. We got a table after a short wait and I sat beside Shawn and Seth. After we got our food it we were all in little conversations. My phone buzzed.
Luke💍💋-hey babe, you want to go to the movies tomorrow?
Me-yea, what time?
Me-k c u then

Me-ily more 😽💞 I waited to send. He's never said I love you before. I don't love him. I'm to young and i just don't love him. I changed it
And I locked my phone. I don't really like Luke. I just continued to date him, since  Alex left me.
"Hey mom, can I go to the movies with Luke tomorrow?" I asked
"Yea, but your brother and Alex are going to."
"What!? Why!?" I whined
"Because I said!"
"To bad you don't know what time!" I smirked
"You Won't go!" She snapped
"Will see." I said taking a bite of my chicken
"Get up!" She yelled
I rolled my eyes
"NOW!" She said jerking me up by my arm
I walked with her to our car
"I'm done with the attitude! ever since Alex left the first time you've changed! And I think it's that Luke boy! I want you to go stay with Becky for awhile, maybe then you'll respect your parents!" She snapped
"What!? you can't do that! Alex just got back and school only has like 2 months left until summer!"
"To bad so sad! You chose this!"
"I actually don't recall that coming out of my mouth!"
"Alright it final, you are leaving tomorrow!"
She walked back in. I can't believe she is doing this. I knew she hated me! I got in the car and texted Luke.
Me- hey srry to cancel, but my stupid mom is making me stay with my grandma for awhile!😢
Luke💍💋- are you freaking serious!
Me-yea I'm sorry
Luke💍💋-your parents suck, you should kill them in there sleep!😂😤
Me-I wish 😂
Luke💍💋-where does your grandma live
Luke💍💋-this isn't gonna work
Luke💍💋- us we both know long distances don't work
Me-you're breaking up with me?
Luke💍💋- srry I couldn't do it in person, but we needed to see other people anyways
Me-are you freaking kidding me!
Luke💍💋- I gtg
I locked my phone and threw my head back. He broke up with me. I sat in the car for awhile sobbing, but not crying. I hugged my knees and my door opened. Alex was standing there.
"What do you want?!" I snapped
"It's because it me, isn't it?"
"What are you talking about?" I sniffed
"You are changing because of me."
"Partly." I said looking him in the eyes
"I'm so so sorry, I missed you so much. I tried calling you but it wouldn't ever go through. I dropped my phone in the toilet and couldn't get a new one. I never forgot about you. I didn't even make any friends at my new school. I just couldn't stop thinking about our kiss."
I hugged him and he hugged back. I missed these moments. I missed Alex. I miss the old me. The one everyone didn't hate. I just want to go back before Alex left.

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