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Shelby's p.o.v
After I left Hayes house I ran to a building. My grandpa owns it, but no one ever goes to it. Except jake and I. I was opened the building door and heard wheels skating behind me. I turned and saw Alex running carrying his board with him. He ran toward me. I closed the door behind him.
"So what's up?" He asked
I laughed " nothing much just running away!"
"So what is this place?" He asked
"It's this building my moms dad owns. Jake and I use to come here everyday after school and just do whatever. It looks the exact same it did a year ago." I smiled
"It's nice!" He chirped sitting down on a bing bag.
"Yea we decorated it like a real house. We even made 2 beds out of a fridge and a dresser!" I laughed
"How the heck did you get that!" He laughed with me
"Well we found the fridge sitting by the road, and the dresser was already In here. We just put blankets and pillows on it and it's pretty comfy!"
It was quiet for awhile.
"I think I'm going to take a nap, I didn't get much sleep last night. You are welcome to use that fridge for a bed since jakes not here." I said getting quieter at the last thing I said
He smiled and nodded.
I climbed on the dressed that was side ways with the back facing up. I laid down and grabbed the blanket from my bag. I put some cloths under my head as a pillow, since the others were dusty and dirty. I soon drifted into a sleep.
After some time a woke up to a door closing. I jumped thinking someone found me.
"Hey, sorry I ran and got some snacks. I thought we would get hungry." Alex said locking the building after he was inside.
"Awesome! I'm starving!" I said taking the cinnamon toast crunch from his hand.
"Here's a bottle of sweet tea!" He said passing it to me.
"How did you get this stuff?"
"I went to the closest gas station and used some money I brought."
"Oh, thanks!" I said taking a Big gulp of sweet tea.
After I ate I checked my phone.
55 missed calls
35 from my mom
10 from my brother
5 from Taylor
2 from Hayes
And 3 from my grandpa
I also had 43 missed texts
40 from my brother
And 3 from my mom
I sighed and out it In my pocket. I checked the time before I put it up and it said it was 9:00pm.  I must of slept for awhile.
"Shelby what are we doing?" Alex asked
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean we can't run away from our problems forever."
"I can't go back. Not now."
"Alex he slapped me and he lied about being my dad!"
"Ok he lied get over it and you were being a brat, that's why he slapped you!"
"How dare you!" I yelled tearing up
No one said a word.
"I'm sorry Shelby. It's just that I'm not use to doing this. I was lied to every day and I couldn't run away. I was stuck." He said putting his head down
"No it's ok. You're the only one who stayed by my side. I'm thankful I met someone who actually cares!" I said putting my arm around him
He hugged me back
We watched netflix on my ipad for hours cuddling. I don't know why, but I loved it. It felt nice. I hate saying this, but I think I may like Alex.
It was 3:00 am. I decided to plug my ipad into a portable charger. Alex crawled into his "bed" and I did into mine. We talked about random stuff until I heard snoring. I looked toward his direction and he was asleep. I smiled and rolled onto my side. After about 30 minuets I was asleep.
I heard waking me up. Alex jumped up and ran toward the door. I was so scared for some reason. He peaked through the door crack and his eyes got wide.

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