-The Beginning-

676 4 1

How did we come to be?

Was it the chemicals from the soil,

the tree?

But where did they come from?

It all had to start,

This question is baffling,

And tearing me apart.

What came first?

The chicken or the egg?

Is there really a heaven?

Why do we beg?

Why are we sinful?

Betraying, and hurtful?

Why do we cheat,

And throw words in mouthfuls?

If Adam and Eve were really made by God,

Did they have belly-buttons?

Shake your head or nod.

Adam and Eve gave us this crap,

Sometimes it hurts,

And makes you want to snap.

Killing and cheating,

Hurting and spying,

Are all part of this word: lying.

But God sent his son,

The angel from above,

To help us,

To save us,

Make us again love.

So the next time you think about...

Hurting or lying,

Think about Jesus,

On the cross...



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