Chapter 2

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I've only got one day to rest before I have to go back for my last term of school. The holiday over to Greece with mum was great. It was by far the best break I've ever had.

I spent my day sleeping, as well as my night. After my panic attacks, I usually get knocked out anyways so I wasn't surprised.

The next day I'm ready early and mum drives me to school. Lewis and dad went to visit my grandparents down at Aubry Coast for the break instead of coming with us to Greece. Don't ask me why.

My school stands where it's always been. Plain and dull. It's also obsessed with blue; everything is a shade of blue.

I sigh loudly. "Kristen. Come on darling." Mum says to me and nudges me softly on the shoulder.

But all I can think about is if I'm going to have another anxiety attack.

I wobble out of the car and start heading toward the locker room. It's a shabby room, a bit murky. You guessed it, the lockers are blue. I momentarily forget where my locker is and what my code is. But eventually it comes back to me and I find my locker and shove my bag in it impatiently.

Warm hands wrap themselves around my waist. I turn my head a bit and see Bridget attached to me. "Bridget!" I twist and we properly hug.

Harmony isn't too far behind her and she smiles at me. Not wholeheartedly. I don't get the chance to wonder why because I see Chase on the other side of the locker room.

Chase has always been popular, friendly and cute. I've also always had a crush on him. Bridget and Harmony watch me as I stare at him. "Did you miss him?" Bridget says teasingly. I smile sheepishly. Chase begins to walk out with his friends but smiles in our direction. The three of us swoon.

Both my best friends know about my liking of him. Since tenth grade really.

But everyone loves him, popular and beautiful.

Then I hear shuffling in the locker room. Almost like a whole new crowd entered. I reluctantly take my eyes off Chase and see who has been causing all the commotion.

Bridget and Harmony appear at my sides and fill me in, "You know that week extra you missed because you were in Greece?" Bridget says.

"Yeah, the two week break was too short so I got to miss a week of school. You guys know that."

"Well, we got a new student this term."

"How? It's the last term of grade twelve. Who could possibly afford moving schools?"

"He didn't 'move' schools. He was expelled." Harmony supplies impatiently.

"There he is now!" Bridget says and I spot him.

A guy with light brown hair, who needs a haircut, enters the room. A few people crowd around him. He seems a little too popular for a new kid. Then he turns his face and glances over at me.

His green eyes hold mine for a fraction of a second but then he looks away and keeps chatting with everybody around him. I can't help to notice he has a nice smile and bright white teeth.

"Did you see that? He totally looked at you." Harmony says to me. I raise my eyebrows.

"I don't like him." Bridget says.

"Why?" Harmony retorts.

"He's easily a player. He has to be. I mean, he's too gorgeous for any one girl to have him."

"You could be right." Harmony finishes.

I've always been obsessed with green eyes. I don't know why. Maybe because mine are a boring brown.

The bell rings and we head off to home group.


Mr. Graw absolutely hates his home group. Which is why he's put us in a seating arrangement. Luckily for me, Harmony is in my home group. I get in class and only one seat is available, next to the new guy. Mr. Graw tells me to sit next to him so I walk over and sit.

New Guy looks at me weirdly, "Hey. I'm Kyle."


We sit there awkwardly for a bit. I glance over at Harmony who is sitting next to another random girl I don't even know. "You're really pretty."

"Umm, thanks?" I don't get called pretty a lot. Occasionally a greasy guy will call me 'hot' as I walk past but that doesn't count as a compliment now does it?

"No worries." He says. Wow his lips are naturally red. Why am I staring at his lips? Look away Kristen! "You're blushing." He says and laughs. His voice is actually really clear and his laugh... Ok, what's wrong with me?

I look back over to Harmony but she's staring at the door, where I see Chase standing and leaning on the frame.

Bridget is behind him, they are both in the same home group. They probably came to pick up laptops or something. Bridget points to Chase and then pulls a funny face at Harmony and I.

Chase turns around and Bridget snaps up straight. Harmony and I both laugh.

Before I know it, the day's finished and I find myself at my piano lesson. I've been playing music since I was really little. Mum plays the guitar but I've always loved the piano.

After my lesson, Lewis picks me up and takes me home and we see Mum on the phone. She's crying.

I rush over to her and hug her. "What's wrong Mum?" Lewis says.

She doesn't answer. Her sobs become softer as she earnestly listens to whoever is on the line.

I feel the tension in the room rising and all of the sudden, I realise something bad has happened. I try to hold back my anxiety so I can comfort mum.

She hangs up the phone and full out starts bawling. Her face is streaked with tears and bright red. I feel her pain, even though I don't know what is going on.

"Mum," Lewis repeats, "What's wrong?"

She still doesn't answer. At this point in time, Lewis is getting impatient so he puts his arms on her shoulders and shakes her, "Mum! Tell us what's wrong! We can't help you if..."

"Your father." We both freeze. Mum's quivering breath is the only sound in the room.

"What's wrong with dad, mum?" I say softly, my voice breaking.


"Take it slow mum." I say and pat her hair, "It's going to be ok."

"He was r-riding the motor-bike,"


"Let me finish! He h-had an accident." Lewis and I both look at each other. "He's not coming home."

Lewis' face turns as red as mums and he storms out of the room. I hear him shouting and hitting things. I follow him in. "Lewis! Shut up! Mum's upset enough without you bashing everything!" He looks at me and I see his cheeks are wet.

He takes a deep breath and then sits on the floor and crawls into a ball. He rocks slowly and cries. He cries louder and harder than I've ever seen from him. "Lewis... I'm sorry."

"Kristen, what are we going to do?"

But now that Lewis had his outbreak, it's my turn. The world crashes down on me. What are we going to do? Dad can't be gone... I run out of the living area and up the stairs and lock myself in my room.

No. It can't be starting again. My breathing becomes shallow and fast and the room starts spinning and the world's getting darker and my head hits the floor.

I'm absorbed into the darkness.


Thankyou for reading Obsessed! I'm glad you've given my story a chance. Please comment any suggestions and vote!!

(Comments that make me laugh will get a dedication)

The pic is of Jane Levy as Bridgette :)



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