Chapter 49

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Almost in slow motion, Toby drops. Kyle and I instinctively reach forward to stop his head hitting the floor. I hear a crack. I slide onto my knees before his head gets the chance to hit the floor and it lands on my lap. "Oh my gosh." I gasp.

"Toby, can you hear me? Toby?" Kyle shakes his arm lightly.

"Can you call the ambulance?" I tell Randy who is the first person I see.

"Kristen?" Toby slurs.

"What day is it?"


"And your name is?"

"I'm fine, what is wrong with you people?" He tries standing up but Kyle presses his shoulder down.

"Just stay down man. The ambulance will be here soon."

"I'm fine. Seriously guys, lay off." He sits up and shakes his head. "Ow." He holds his stomach.

"Are you ok? Do you want me to get you some ice?" I ask worriedly. Kyle stands up and goes to the freezer to get some ice.

"Bunny, really, I'm ok."


"You are eating a lot of sugar aren't you." The doctor tells Toby. "Lot's of junk food, takeout all the time? Your diet has caused this kind of diabetes. You seem to be very fit, so the only thing that can help this condition is changing your diet."

"Ok. Sure."

"And I've organized an x-ray for you on Tuesday to see if you have broken any ribs." She places her hand on Toby's side. "Tell me when this hurts." She presses down on different areas and then he grumbles to show it hurts. I cringe.

"Alright, definitely get those x-rayed. I can't prescribe you much until we see if they are broken. We wouldn't want any kind of lung complications... You should be fine, Toby. You should be having regular check-ups now and possibly even see a detrition."


Toby goes to stand up and winces. "Great." Kyle mumbles from across the small room.

"Also, I have it written down here that your mother had type 2 diabetes as well. So don't be too hard on yourself."

"I won't." He grins. "Alright. Thanks."

"No worries. Next check-up is in two weeks. Write that down!" Toby has already walked out and Kyle trapes after him. "Could you please make sure he gets here."

"Of course."

"You're an angel. Thanks." The doctor smiles at me and then I follow Toby and Kyle out. "Make sure he gets to his x-ray!" She calls.

"Got it!"


I realise, unfortunately, that I left my phone in Toby's car. I use the home phone to call Toby. Apparently he's too 'busy' to drop it off because he's busy watching a creepy movie. I want to see Kyle so I don't bother asking again.

Toby tells me that my phone is on the counter and then returns to watching his movie. "Where's Kyle?"

"In his room."

I walk up the stairs and see Kyle strumming his guitar. "We need to talk."

"Everything is perfectly fine. Why do we need to talk?" He says ignorantly.

"You are so oblivious aren't you? First, you don't want to be my boyfriend. Second, you spend more time with Emma and Randy then you do with me. And, you don't even want to hear me out? I don't get you anymore." 

He stands up and walks over to me. "What are you saying? I just don't think we need a label. I love you, you love me. That's all there is."

"What about Emma?"

"I don't like her that way! I already told you that. You obviously don't trust me anymore."

"You used to have some kind of fascination with her!"

"Who told you that?"

"Randy. He told me all about-"

"That was in primary school! You have no reason to feel threatened or intimidated by Emma."

"You said you love me. Is that... real?"

"Of course it is."

"Well you never said it."

"You didn't say it either." 

A lump forms in my throat and at the same time I feel angry and... 

"Is that what this is about?" he says, oblivious. 

"Wow, you really don't get it." I roll my eyes. 

"What don't I get?!" He says loudly. "You're jealous of Emma even though you shouldn't be and you're mad that I don't say 'I love you' enough."

"That's not it."

"Well then explain." 

I try to gather my thoughts but I just don't know where my head is at. I don't know how to explain. What are we even? Friends with benefits? We're drifting apart and I don't know what to do about it. 

"Maybe we should take a break," he breathes. 

"Why? We aren't even dating." I say sarcastically. 

He steps backward and shuts the door in my face. 

"Kyle!" I hit on the door angrily. "You can't just lock me out!"

"Give him some space." Toby says from behind me. How long was he listening?

"Who are you? A relationships expert?"

"No, but I am a Kyle-expert."

"Kyle! Open the door!"

"Why?! We aren't even dating!" Kyle mimics.

"Seriously Kristen." Toby steps in front of me, between me and the door. "You should leave."


2021 update: guys, i am so so sorry about how crappy the dialogue has been punctuated this whole book. i can assure you my english has improved since i wrote this book lol and i will be going throuhg each chapter so that everything makes more sense. 

if you do happen to like my writing style, check out my other book 'The Secrets of Cedar Creek' - there's a very sexy love triangle and i would like to say the romance is far better written hehe. 


This chapter makes me want to cry. What do you guys think?

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