Chapter 42

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After Kyle and I finished our date, and ate a ton of ice-cream at the Sylvette diner with Sherri, I rang up Toby. I know I shouldn't have, especially since Kyle is having a fight with him, but I had to get Randy's number.

"Hey Toby."

"What do you want?" He says out straight.

"I need Randy's phone number."


"Why do you care?" I say.

"I don't. It's," He tells me the number and I write it down on the notepad, on my desk, in front of me.

"Can you tell Kyle that-" he begins before I cut him off


"That I'm sorry." There's a brief pause. "I'm sorry, Kristen."


"Alright. Talk later." He hangs up.

Momentarily I'm shocked that Toby is even capable of real emotions, real sincerity.

I don't waste time deliberating over Toby's conscience and dial Randy's number. I wait eagerly for him to pick up. But he doesn't. So I call again, hoping that this time he might answer. "Hey Randy! It's Kri-"

"Randy is unavailable right now." A high pitched snotty voice says.

"Belinda? Please, it's important."

"I don't care."

"Why? Are you guys busy or something?"

"Can't you just let me enjoy my date in peace?"

"Please Belinda. Wouldn't you like the opportunity to meet your sibling? I'm sure you can understand how important family is." There's a pause. I mentally see her rolling her eyes and sighing.

"Fine. He's coming back from the bathroom now."

A few moments later Randy answers the phone. "Hey Kristen. How can I help you?"

"I know what Kyle did for you."

"Umm. Maybe we should talk about this in person..."

Randy tells me to meet him at the Sylvette diner in twenty minutes. So I take the first bus down to Cantona rd. and walk the rest of the way. Randy isn't with Belinda, so I exhale in relief. The relief is short lived however, as Belinda walks from the counter to our table. "What is it that you want exactly?" Randy says. Not rudely, more curiously.

"As you know, your mother is bearing your half-sibling. I guess you're excited to meet the baby," I say.

"Of course I am. I hope it's a boy because I never really liked Emma. I'll officially not be the youngest anymore."

"That's good for you. How do you think Kyle feels?"

"Uh... I don't know. Happy?"

"You're mum isn't married to his dad," I say casually.

"That lousy thing already said he wants nothing to do with the baby. He wanted her to... abort it."

"Do you think Kyle wants nothing to do with it?"

"You should really be a therapist or something. Yes. I guess he would want to know him."

"But your mum isn't going to let that happen, is she?"

"She thinks Kyle is a bad influence. I see where you are going with this. I'm not an idiot."

Belinda laughs at that, then bites her lip when he doesn't laugh with her.

"Kyle wants his brother, or sister, as well. I get it. But what do you want me to do about it? I can't exactly kidnap the baby in its sleep," Randy says.

"You could tell your mum."

"I can't. I want to. I do."

"Then why can't you?" I demand.

"She'll hate me for lying. And then blame me and then-"

"Kyle did the most selfless thing to help you. And here you are, being a selfish-"

"That's enough," Belinda snaps. "Let's get out of here." Belinda grabs his arm.

Randy looks as me solemnly then bows his head (assumedly in shame) as he lets her walk him out of the diner.

I tried. And I failed.


Monday mornings. They are all the same. They all suck.

I pull my hair into a loose ponytail and tie a black ribbon. Then I walk to Joshes car parked out at the front of my house. "Thanks for the ride." I say to Josh and the sit at the back.

"Do I get a thanks?" Kyle says.

"Thanks for nagging Josh to drive us." The three of us laugh lightly. "Sierra?"

"Meeting us at school." Josh replies.

Josh has been driving Kyle around since Toby kicked him out. Since Kyle didn't go back. Since I caused a fight between brothers. Cousins, by blood. But more like brothers. A pang of guilt shoots through me but I bite my lip and look out the window to distract myself.

We pull up at Dylan's house and he hops into the car. "How are you holding up?" I ask him.

"Alright." He says quietly. "She's not in France yet. Half-way though."

"That's good."

"I miss her already." He sighs. I put my hand on his arm and pat it. It sounds more awkward than it is. He seems comforted.

"I brought you some snacks."

His face instantly brightens. I pass him a container full of nutella and some biscuits you dip into it.

"Thanks Kris."

"No worries." I smile.

"Maybe with Bridgette gone you'll have more time to focus on your hockey," Josh suggests.

"I guess." Dylan shrugs.

"One day we should get the group down and go to the ice-rink. You must be a pro. Sierra loves skating too."

"Sounds good," Kyle and I say.


School flies by quickly. Mostly, people have been talking about formal. Everyone apparently had the perfect night. I think back to my night, it was far from perfect. But it wasn't horrible. I had fun mostly. I was devastated for a small portion... but everything turned out alright in the end.

I quickly pack my bag at my locker. My phone starts buzzing so I pick it up and answer. The number seems vaguely familiar but I haven't added it as a contact. "Hey Kristen."

"Oh. Randy? Hi."

"Look, I talked to my mum."

"You did?"

Sierra comes up to me from behind with Harmony and the two of them poke funny faces. Then start yelling out inappropriate things. "Don't mind my friends."

"No worries. Anyways, you should swing by with Kyle this afternoon."


"Take this phone call as a formal invitation. I think my mum wants to apologize for judging him so quickly."

"I thought you guys were friends for years? It couldn't have been a 'quick' judgement."

"Her mood swings give me whiplash. Kyle said you were a worrier. It'll be fine."

"Alright. I'll see you this afternoon, then."

"Looking forward to it."


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