Chapter 12

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My eyes blink open and chirping birds tell me it's morning. I still can't believe Kyle caught me staring at him last night, thank God he thought it was funny otherwise I'd be twice as embarrassed. Someone banging on my door snaps me out of my daze.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" An old fart yells. "Breakfast will be served in ten minutes. If you aren't down when I ring the bell, you don't get any!" Belinda screeches like a bat.

I groan and push my sleeping bag off me, causing it to slump in a pile on the floor beside my mattress. I quickly run into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed. I'm wearing a soft blue checkered shirt today and some light denim shorts.

Lots of kids are getting out of their dorms when I do. I take that as a good sign. I follow the crowd of moaning teenagers till we reach the hall where breakfast is being served.

Bridget sits alone at a table. She signals me over and I yell out that I'll just fill my plate first. I stand in the line behind a girl in my Math class. I think her name is Sierra but I can't recall exactly whether it was that or Sienna.

Suddenly a body brushes up behind me and I feel a breath against my ear. "Did you enjoy the view?" Even though I have goose bumps all over and am semi-numb, I find the power to turn around and punch Kyle in the chest. He doesn't even flinch. "What? I'm just asking a question."

I step forward and start stocking my plate up with all the normal breakfast foods. Eggs, sausages, toast and bacon. "You don't have to answer, I know what you're thinking." He says with a distinct eyebrow raise.

"I'm sure you couldn't guess what I'm thinking."

"You're thinking, 'Kyle is the sexiest guy alive'." I just shake my head with a sigh. He wasn't too far off, but I don't want him to know that. "I think I know what I'll make you do when I win the bet."

"And what is that?"

"You'll have to lose to find out."

"I don't plan on loosing." We finish filling our plates and he follows me when I sit with Bridget. He takes a seat next to me, across from Bridget. She smirks at me and starts opening her mouth to say something stupid.

"So... when's the wedding?" She winks at me.

Kyle laughs genuinely and I even allow myself a giggle. "Are you two in the same activity groups?" Kyle asks.

"No." Bridget says sadly, "I'm in group three, she's in group seven."

"When did you find this out?" I pipe in.

"They told us in the hall yesterday. Oh wait. You weren't there."

"If you're in group seven, so am I." Kyle says relaxing more into his chair.

"There's no stopping you is there?" I say with a roll of my eyes. Bridget just snickers like a sixth grader.

Belinda walks into the room accompanied with a big bell. Not a moment too soon the loud bell sound fills the room and silence follows. Belinda searches the room, scanning each face. Her eyes lock on mine then she turns away.

Obviously I'm not in her good books.

Kyle glances at me and gives me a tantalizing smirk. We finish breakfast and start spreading into the activity groups. Bridget hugs me goodbye and promises to find me at lunch.

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