Chapter 31

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"He's got a fever. He just needs some rest and to relax. Seems like he's been through a lot of stress." The nurse tells me. "Did he get into a fight? I've notice some bruising on his ribs and his knuckles."

"No. He tripped running." I lie.

"Oh. Well, I'll give you a pass to take him home."

"Thank you." Even if she didn't give me a pass, I already called mum.


Kyle and I sit awkwardly in the back seat while my mum drives us to his house. Kyle looks drained, mum looks confused and I'm sure I look like a mess too, considering I have the worst hangover.

Toby opens the front door, takes one look at Kyle and lets us in. Huh, no snide remarks today? Mum drives off after I wave her goodbye. I walk Kyle up the stairs and into his room, which he eventually leads me to. It takes him a while to recognise where he is. I think the nurse gave him some kind of sleeping pill or relaxant.

He collapses onto his bed. I pull off his shirt and toss it on the floor. I lay the back of my hand on his forehead. It's still hot. "Stay here baby." I softly say.

"Don't go."

"I'm not leaving. I'll be right back."

I go downstairs and ask Toby if he has some frozen peas or something. "The ice-packs are at the bottom of the fridge."

"You have a lot." I say once I find them.

"When you get beat up a lot, you tend to stock up."

"What are you talking about? Do you know what happened to him?" I ask curiously.

"You mean he hasn't told you?" He says with a superior and snide tone of voice.

"Told me what?"

"Mmmm." He groans and shakes his head.

"What?! Has someone been hurting Kyle?"

"Maybe you should leave."

"No. He needs me."

"He's been fine without you his whole life."

"Is that why you hate me so much? Because I'm preoccupying him?"


"Then what is it? Why do you keep being such a jerk?"

"What makes you think there's a reason? Maybe it's just who I am."

"There's always a reason. Now I'm going to look after your cousin." I say with a handful of ice-packs. I storm up the stairs and back to Kyle. Whose forehead is again beaded with sweat. I lie the packs on him.

"It's so hot."

"Where's your air-conditioning remote?"

"Cupboard. First drawer." I find it and put the room to the coolest temperature possible.

"Better?" He grumbles a yes.




"Don't worry about it." I pull out a chair from his desk and bring it out next to him. "Now go to sleep."

"Don't leave."

"Never." I whisper. I hold his hand as he falls asleep almost instantly. Even though the chair isn't that comfortable, I somehow drift off to sleep as well.


When I wake up, I find a blanket tossed over me. Kyle is still asleep. Did Toby cover me? I take off one of the packs and feel Kyle's temperature. He's better now. I pull my phone out from my pocket and see the time is 8:30 at night. My stomach gurgles. I'm starving. I slowly and quietly walk out of his room and down the stairs.

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