Chapter 20

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I lie in bed wide awake. It's still Sunday, but Kyle has left, Gran and Mum came back and it's almost midnight. I guess Kyle pulling through and actually making a day for our date has kept me wide eyed. I can't stop thinking about how cute he was when he asked. I had just taken off all his makeup and he was leaning on the frame of the door to my room. He was rubbing the back of his neck and I was trying to hold back my girlish squeals. "This Friday?" I tried to say cooly.

"I'll pick you up."

"7 o'clock?"



"I'll surprise you."

Then there was a lot of kissing...


The next morning I was out of bed the second my alarm clock rang. My luck has changed! I get to school on time and meet up with Kyle in the morning. We have a substitute again so we sit next to each other in home group. Usually, I would bounce at this opportunity to sit with Harmony... but surprisingly she isn't here.

Kyle and I start to have a decent chat about the prom but the sub asks me to run an errand for her. I pick up the stack of papers on her desk and start walking them to the office like she asked. Kyle so kindly offered to take my place but the sub said I could handle the load. And she was right - until I saw Harmony and Chase.

My jaw drops along with the papers that start flying everywhere.

Neither of them turn around – they seem too interested in each other to even notice me. So many questions whirl around in my head. Since when did Harmony just casually have make out sessions with Chase?

I pick up the papers as quickly as humanly possible and I run up to the office. The office receptionist is talking to me but I can't understand what she is saying. It's like I hear what she says but then the words disappear from my memory.

She eventually gets through to me and then dismisses me impatiently. I walk back to home group slowly and continue to try and process what I just saw. It's such a plot twist, so unexpected. Harmony and Chase? Harmony, my best friend and Chase, the guy I obsessed over from the start of high school till Kyle?

Somehow, I'm heading to my locker and it's recess. I haven't had any classes with Bridgette yet, so I've been holding all this in. Then I spot her right outside my locker. "Bridgette, you won't believe what I just saw."


"I saw Harmony with Chase. Like, not just standing next to him... but actually-"

"Yeah. I know."

"You what?"

"Ummm... let's discuss this later when Harmony is here."

"Bridgette, can you just tell me now? I'm really confused."

"Later I said. Besides, Harms and I have to go to community cooking. We'll meet you at lunch behind the staff rooms."

With that, she turns on her heel and leaves. If before I thought there were tons of questions to answer... now I feel like there's hundreds.


Kyle and I sit beside each other in History. The only sound in the room is the clock ticking and Miss Hindleber's husky old voice. Kyle shoves me lightly on the shoulder and snaps me out of my daze.

"What's wrong? Something is and don't deny it."

"Nothing is-"

"Yes there is."

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