Chapter 30

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I wake up and I don't know where I am. I can't remember coming here. I can't remember falling asleep. And I definitely can't remember whose bed I'm lying in. I sit up and my head throbs. I'm wearing a hoodie and it's not my own.

I slip out of the sheets and walk to the dressing table beside the bed. A photo of Donahue and Belinda in a photo frame greets me. Great. Don... why would I be at his home? "Kristen?!" I think it's Harmony's voice that I hear.

"Where am I?" I say as she steps into the room. Grey walls, wooden door, looks like a small apartment.

"We're at Don's apartment. Don't worry, everything's alright."

"What happened?"

"You got a bit drunk."

"Me? I don't drink."

"Well, you did. And then you passed out."


"Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah. Why didn't you take me home?"

"We tried. But no one was there to let us in. And if we took you to my place, my parents would find out that I was drinking and all those complications. So then here was the next place."

"I should leave."

"I'll drop you off."

"Ok. Where are my clothes?"

"I'm not sure where Don put them."

"He didn't dress me did he?" I say looking down at the Adidas sweat shirt.

"No of course not. He offered to but I volunteered first."

"Ok? Let's just go home."

She walks me downstairs and guides me by a hand on my back. Her gentleness reminds me of how she was when I had just lost Dad. "Leaving so soon?" Don says. I look over to where he is sitting on a couch with his feet propped up on a table. "Just kidding." He picks up a pile of clothes next to him, my clothes, and hands them to Harmony. "Don't worry about my shirt. Sorry, by the way."

"I'm sure she'll forgive us after all the time we spent looking after her." Harmony lightly says.

"What time is it?" I groan.

"Ten o'clock."

"At night?!"


"I've been out that long?"


"Kristen, don't worry." Don says and opens the front door for us.

"My Gran's probably freaking out!"

"I called her, it's all ok." Harmony pats my back.

Then we go home. And I go straight to bed.


One thing I hate is waking up to the sound of my alarm clock. I guess everyone hates that though. I just particularly hate it when I see that the time is 12pm. And I have school. I get ready and out of the house in record time. Mum takes me to school and I get there a lunch. Was it even worth it? I only have one lesson left anyways. I guess it doesn't matter since I officially finish school for life in less than two weeks.

I head straight to my locker and put my bag away. Nobody really noticed me come in. I got mum to ring the school and tell them I had an appointment. I don't know why she helped me get in without trouble, considering I got drunk and slept in till midday... maybe it's her way of thanking me for being a good student?

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