Chapter 6

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At lunch break, I walk to the library like Mr. Graw told me to. I still can't believe I got into trouble. I barely ever get into trouble.

The librarian tells me to take the stacks of books upstairs. If Bridget came with me, I could have gotten this done in five minutes. But alone... I might be here for the whole of lunch.

I pick up the first stack and I almost topple over it's so heavy. I walk around the blue room and all the wooden shelves till I get to the stair case. Then I start mounting them. The stack of books is so high that I can't see anything and I have to crane my neck to the side to see the steps.

At the top of the stairs, I lift my head back up. But a moment too soon. My leg catches on the last step and I tumble forwards. All the books spread around me.

I exhale with annoyance. Did I seriously just do that? I scramble to my knees and start picking up the books and making a pile.

I reach forward to grab a red book but someone else picks it up and hands it to me. I take it out of their hands and place it on the top of the pile. "Hi Kristen. Fancy seeing you here." I look up to see Kyle's green eyes staring down at me. Then I roll mine.

I keep picking up the rest of the books with Kyle's help. Then I lift the stack off the floor and almost drop them again. Kyle leans forward to grab the books so they don't fall over again. Some of the ones at the top slide forward and almost hit me in the head but he catches them. "Maybe I should hold this." He says and takes the pile from me.

"Since when were you such a gentleman?" I say softly. He gives me one of those daring grins.

Eventually I finish early and thanks to Kyle, the librarian lets me leave. Unfortunately, Kyle won't leave me alone. I head towards my locker with him walking close behind me. I was about to put my locker combination in, but Kyle stands in front of my locker. "Kyle!" I say with a groan. "Move."

"Wait. I wanted to ask you something."

"Could you just move?" I say again, getting slightly annoyed. I wouldn't have had to help at the library if it wasn't for him anyway and Bridget could be alone depending on whether Harmony has disappeared today.

"You're cute when you're angry." He says and I hit his chest. But he grabs my wrist.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know how Lewis is."

"Really?" Suddenly I feel overwhelming sadness. Mostly about how I haven't even remembered to check on Lewis and was too self-absorbed. But I also feel guilty about pushing Kyle around even though he actually cares.

"Caught you off-guard didn't I."

"Yeah, actually."

"Because you don't think I..." Was he going to say 'care'? He looks past me into the distance and I realise that if anyone came in they would think we were having a make out session. "Never mind, Kristen." He pushes off from the lockers and starts walking forward but I put my hands on his shoulders and shove him back against them. I almost expected him to chuckle but he just looks at me dead serious and probably a little shock mixes in there too.

"I'm sorry Kyle, I didn't mean it like that." My fingertips start tingling holding his broad shoulders.

"I know you didn't." We stay like that for a while. But the tension starts rising. And not the awkward type. Our eyes lock and his hands move to my waist and he pulls me closer-

"Kristen Editorian!" I step back instantly and feel my cheeks getting hotter. Kyle looks smug, leaning on the lockers. But as cool as he is, his affect doesn't rub off on me and I stand, practically shivering, as Mr. Graw walks beside me. "Twice in one day?! Detention. I'm disgusted in you Kristen!"

Then he looks at Kyle and shakes his head. "Young man, you're being corrupted by her. Don't let her influence you. I'm sorry, but both of you have detention. Tomorrow after school. Don't be late."

Mr. Graw leaves the lockers after pointing to his eyes and then to us. I'm watching you he mouths. Kyle just laughs. But thank goodness, the bell rings and he finally leaves me alone. I still can't believe Mr. Graw thinks it's me that's a bad influence on him.

The last lesson is really boring. But halfway through, things start heating up. Literally. The air conditioner in the room is broken. I start sweating lightly. But I know that is just the start. I can feel another attack coming on and I am not ready for it.

"Excuse me Mrs. McGuire, could I please go to the bathroom?" I ask as politely as possible.

"Sorry Kristen, you should have gone at lunch." She replies instantly, not even looking up from where she is standing.

I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Boom. Boom. Boom. I try to breathe in deeply but it's like a hand is at my throat not letting any air get through. I need to get out of here. But I don't know how.

The fear wells up inside me and it feels like being punched in the stomach over and over again. I still don't know why something so mental has such a dense physical toll.

I don't know what, but something pushes me out of my chair and leads me out of the room. I run down the hall with its slippery white tiles. I can tell all the heads in the room were turned.

I finally reach the bathroom and lock myself in one of the change room stalls. I crouch into a ball. Dad used to like to walk around when he got anxious. He would spread his arms and take big breaths. But for me, that just hurts more. So I crouch into a ball and make myself as small as possible.

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