Chapter 11

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The next morning, I kiss Mum and Gran goodbye and tell Dr. Parkinson to say goodbye to Lew for me. It's only four days. It should be fine.

The bus comes according to schedule and I make it to school on time before the camp transport leaves. Bridget swarms to me. She was previously standing with Harmony. "How was the date?" I say.

"It was great."

"I'm sure there will be more where that came from." Harmony says. She looks at Bridget meaningfully and I wonder if there is something unspoken going on.

This just reminds me of my own secret though. "Harmony, you should sit with us. There's probably three seaters at the back of the bus." Bridget suggests.

"Yeah. I'll sit with you guys."

We line up at the bus door and the teacher marks our names off her list. The three of us take seats luckily before the bus gets too crowded. I sit on the isle, mostly for my anxiety. Getting too hot and squished can sometimes bring one on.

But at the moment, heat is the least of my worries.

Harmony and Bridget chat and giggle while I ignore them and stare at the front of the bus. I shut my eyes, exhausted. "Don't be late next time or the bus will leave without you." I hear Mrs. McGuire say accusingly and open my eyes.

"Good riddance." I let out a sigh of relief when I hear Kyle's all too familiar voice. He's green eyes meet mine and I smile weakly. He doesn't look convinced. He furrows his eyebrows, only complimenting his eyes and showing off how carved his jaw is. He must be gritting his teeth. His expression changes and he smiles at me weakly too.

The bus ride takes about two hours longer and eventually we make it to Camp Warr Brooke. Harmony says she's been here with friends and the cabins are great. "How many people can fit in a cabin?" Bridge asks her.

"About three tops. If we're lucky, we might each get our own rooms."

"That must be why we didn't get to pick our cabin groups." I suppose. Some eagre campers in front of us hand some camp booklets back to us. We send the rest of the pile behind us after each of us got our own copy.

"Camp Warr Brooke, for the freedom and peace loving. Quite ironic considering 'war' is in the name." Harmony laughs.

Mrs. McGuire orders us out of the bus and tells us to find our rooms, put our suitcases away and then come into the main hall. I see my room is 11B from the booklet.

When I get out of the bus I see a small round lake, a field and a farm. Animals are everywhere, meaning bull crap is too. Yuck.

I take a deep breath and start looking for my suitcase from under the bus. "Hi everybody. My name is Belinda and I'll be one of the group leaders. You're school has booked out three buildings. Building 10, 11 and 15. Each building has about thirty rooms so it's easy to get lost. I'll be taking group 11, Lock will take 10," She gestures to the guy on her right, "And Donahue will take 15. I'm assuming you already know what building you're in. So let's get started. Group 11, follow me!" I do as she says and follow her across the paddock.

Belinda has her golden blonde hair in a tight braid. It's so tight it looks like her eyeballs are going to pop out. Her high voice gets quite annoying since every time we turn a corner she yells out 'LEFT!' and then 'RIGHT!'.

The guy called Lock follows behind us with his group. I see Harmony and Bridget with him. Dammit. I'm always the one left out.

We finally reach our building which feels like an apartment building. Across the dirt road before us, I see Donahue leading Kyle and the rest into building 15. Harmony and Bridget go into the building next door to me.

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