Chapter 45

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Thanks for reading btw I love you

"It's not photo shopped."

"It has to be!"

"They're so cute together. I ship it!"

"Poor Sierra. Must suck to be her."

So many different rumours, so many different people whispering. Loreen used the photos she took from Spring City to support her story. She's telling people that Josh cheated on Sierra. Bad enough. But with Dylan. Josh. And. Dylan. A lot of kids are congratulating them. Most people are checking how Sierra is handling the 'affair'.

Her response is usually just curses. She's furious. More about the fact that she is being pitied and shamed then the fact that Josh and Dylan are being... shipped. Harmony and Dylan have been spreading the word that it's not true. Josh and Kyle have been trying to do the same. Sierra and I are heading to Loreen right now to 'show her who's boss'.

"I was wondering when you would show up." Loreen says to Sierra.

"Why can't you just give it a rest Loreen?" I say exasperatedly.

"Dux, shouldn't you be in a pond or something?"

"That's not even funny." Sierra says and shakes her head. "No one is going to believe that stupid rumour."

"It's not a rumour." Loreen says challengingly.

"You don't even know the whole story. They didn't 'sleep' together."

"I'll admit, I don't know what happened that particular time. But they have before."

"What are you talking about?" I say.

"I didn't have my camera on me that time, so I just took this photo," She tosses a photo onto the floor in front of us, which I pick up, "to convince you."

"They did not do anything! My boyfriend is not cheating on me with him!"

"You don't know Josh like I do. He's capable of anything."

"Don't act like you know anything about him. You're only acting like such a bitch because he loves me. He always has and he always will. You're just a jealous, crazy bitch."

It's like the world is going in slow motion. Loreen lunges forward and slaps Sierra harshly. I gasp audibly and then push Loreen to the floor. Sierra and I exchange shocked glances. Loreen stands up again while my back is turned. I spin around just when she's about to hit me, but Josh, who appears out of nowhere, steps into the way. Just in time to get punched in the face. He holds his nose as blood starts spluttering everywhere and dripping onto the floor. Sierra squeals and rushes to his side. "Go get a paper towel!" She orders. I rush to the closest bathrooms and get as many paper towels as I can carry. Sierra instructs Josh so that the bleeding stops.

Eventually a teacher comes after noticing all the commotion. I have to admit, I didn't even realise how many people had crowded around until now.

And that's how we all ended up in the principal's office. Sierra looks smug even though her boyfriend was punched in the face. His bleeding stopped quickly though, with Sierra's first aid skills. Loreen, for the first time, doesn't look superior. The principal has the four of us seated in front of him. He looks like he is absolutely sick of us.

"So let me get this straight. You slapped her. Then punched him. And you demand to not get into any trouble?"

"It was self-defence!"

"From what I can tell, the only self-defence here is to your ego." Sierra chuckles. The principal seems to like Sierra. "School protocol states that this harassment requires to be punished. Therefore, I'm suspending you for the rest of the day and also tomorrow."

"It's the last day of school tomorrow!"

"Oh, and it will also go, permanently, on your record."

The rest of the day, Sierra is relieved. So am I. I feel like one weight can officially be off our shoulders. Loreen won't be seeing any of us again any time soon.


Finally, the day has come.

I'm elated to finally be finished school... but at the same time I'm going to miss this majorly blue school. It's saying goodbye to more than a place. It's saying goodbye to habit, to lifestyle, to friends. Hopefully, Sierra, Josh, Harmony, Dylan, Kyle and I can stay close even without school bringing us together.

We sit on the grass at the front of school as the six of us delve into deep conversation. "A surgeon." Sierra says proudly. "My parents always wanted me to take over the family business. But I don't want to."

"What about you Josh?" Harmony asks.

"I'm not really sure. I like languages."

"Maybe a translator or teacher? I want to be a primary school teacher. Except I doubt I'll be patient enough for little kids. Maybe middle school." Harmony says predictably.

"I think accounting." I say. "I know, it could be boring, but I like math. And it's what my dad always wanted me to be."

"You know what I want to be? A chef. With my own restaurant." Everyone laughs as Dylan explains his dream, "Just kidding. I want to teach too. You going to Jackson?" He asks Harms.

"Yeah! That's cool, we'll be going to the same university." She smiles.

"Kyle?" Dylan asks.

"If I could be anything, I want to be an engineer. But I doubt I'll get into a university." No ones replies to that, "But that's alright, 'cause I think a mechanic would be cool too. Totally different but both sorta interesting."

"Looks like we have a lot of studying between the six of us."

"We survived twelve years of school. Surely we can survive a couple years more."

"Don't speak too soon."


After school, Kyle and I are sitting together and snacking on some crackers. "Bye." He says, kissing my cheek and standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to visit Randy and Emma."


"Yeah, I'm staying there tonight. Sonya invited me for dinner."

"That's great."

"Did I ever thank you for what you did?" He smiles, "Well, thanks. You put me back where I belong."

"No problem." I smile as he picks up his backpack and head into the parking lot where his motorcycle is. "Bye!" I call.

I should be happy for him. But at the same time, I feel sad and alone. I love that he's with his sorta family.

He deserves a family. I just hope he doesn't forget that I'm here too.

Dedicated to @senzekile16 for voting! <3

Awe Kristen. What is about to happen is really... sad? Interesting?

You'll have to keep reading to find out!

Thanks for reading this far!

2021 update: please comment cover art suggestions!! Or DM me ideas!! <3



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