Chapter 36

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Sierra rented out a minivan. Somehow, the eight of us fit legally. Sierra drives, Harmony rides shotgun. Bridgette, Don and Josh sit in the middle. Leaving Toby and I at the back. It's ok though because I get to hold Lulu. She's the cutest puppy I've ever seen. "What's her name again?" Toby asks Sierra once we're on the road.


"You're Kyle's cousin, aye?" Dylan says.

"Yeah. Where do you think he got the good looks from?" We all laugh. At the traffic lights, Sierra pulls out seven envelopes. She passes them to Harmony who takes one then passes it to Josh who spreads them around. Toby and I get ours last.

"Vanessa's club is invite only. Only the most elite customers get in."

"How did you score these?" Bridgette asks with wide eyes.

"Vanessa owes me."

We park outside a hotel. It's lovely and well-polished. I think it's called The Addiction. Which is a bit weird for a hotel... but anyways. We check in and have the suitcase guy take our luggage. I haven't stayed in many hotels. Other than when I went to Greece with mum. I think we got two rooms with two double beds each. I don't bother worrying about sleeping arrangements now, I just want to go out and eat some dinner. I am absolutely starving.

We walk around the block for a while till we spot a small traditional Chinese restaurant. Toby and I decide to share noodles since the serving size is so big. Josh and Sierra share a fried rice. Bridgette, Harmony and Don don't know what to pick. While Dylan has decided on ordering three meals just for himself. "You can try some of mine." Dylan says and smiles at Bridgette.

We eat, laugh and enjoy the night. But eventually, everyone gets sick of the scene. We decide to go back to our hotel room and get ready for the club. I've decided I'm not drinking, especially since last time I passed out for, almost, ever. I'll just have a soda or something instead. Anyways, who needs to be drunk to have a good time? Honestly, I prefer remembering things in the morning...

A limo came to pick us up. I'm surprised how much time and money Bridgette and Sierra put into this one night affair. All the fun I'm having helps distract me from missing Kyle, but I still wish he was here. He would have liked it, being able to make fun of people through the window of the limo and them not seeing him pull faces.

My dress is so uncomfortable. Sierra lended it to me, saying it's too big for her short figure. It's very pretty, but very tight. Ironically, it's red like the last one she gave me. It's strapless and very flattering for my breasts, but also hard to breathe in. It comes down to my knees so it's not really inappropriate. It's stunning nevertheless.

I try pulling it up. Toby eyes me from across the limo. I didn't tell him to pack a suit, but he's wearing one. As well as Josh, Dylan and Don. I wonder how upper class this club is...

Club? Not even. Mansion? Yep. A massive one, with lights making the whole thing look like a star in the night. This Vanessa girl must be loaded.

We all get out of the limo and to the front door. Sierra is wearing a similar dress to me but in blue.

The security guard lowers his clipboard to see her properly. "Sierra East." Sierra tells the guard. He looks her up and down then nods his head and lets the rest of us follow without question. Whatever happened between Sierra and Vanessa, must be massive.

The mansion has black and white tiled flooring. After we pass through the main entrance, we get to the backyard. Wow. The level below the balcony we are on now has a pool and a bar where waiters go around. The level below that has a dance floor and tons of flashing lights. The place is packed. It looks like there's a thousand people. "Let's have fun." Sierra shouts, taking a champagne from the waiter that passes her.

"Not too much fun." Josh adds.

"If we split up, make sure to meet here at midnight. The cops usually come around 12:30." Then she takes Josh's hand and leads him down to the pool area. Harmony sees a cute waiter and follows him, claiming she wants a drink. Don decides to shadow her curtly. Bridgette, Dylan, Toby and I decide to hit the dance floor.


We dance for hours on end. The music blasts so loudly I think my ears will hurt for years. We lost Bridgette and Dylan about twenty minutes ago. Who knows what they're up to? It's quarter to midnight now. I shake Toby's arm and shout that we should head back. He nods, not bothering to communicate over the music, and follows me up the stairs.

I figure I should probably check that Toby's still behind me since I'm at the pool level now. Good thing I did, because he's not there. "Toby?" I call. It's much quieter up here. Not quiet per say. It's more like less loud. 

"Kristen, Kristen, Kristen!" He says excitedly like a kindergartener.

"What, what, what?"

"There's a photo booth!"


"C'mon, let's go take a photo." He already starts dragging me before I have a chance to object.

He lets me sit into the stuffy photo booth first. I sit down and he sits beside me. I lean back into the box like booth. He closes the door and a light turns on. It's a dim light, but great for photos. We adjust the camera using the touch screen's settings. Toby has to put it really high because he's so tall. Just an inch taller than Kyle.

"Smile." He says. I feel him putting his hand above my head. A flash goes off and a quick preview shows up. Bunny ears. Very mature, Toby. The second picture he slips his hand to my waist and pulls me closer. I smile again but almost awkwardly.

The third and final photo loads up and Toby turns to face me and asks what pose we should do. I shrug. But instead of turning away, he keeps his eyes locked on mine. And instead of smiling, he edges closer. I lean back into the wall of the booth. He gets so close I can smell his aftershave.

What is he doing? I feel my cheeks get hot and I bite my lip. He looks down at my lips just as the flash goes off. With an alarm clock effect, I push him off me. "What are you doing?" I say. Trying not to sound mad. Trying to make things less awkward. Trying to remember his cousin.

"Posing." He says nonchalantly, like he wasn't just trying to lock lips with me.


Wow. Ok. I love Toby. What do you guys think of him?

Thanks for reading!

Any suggestions?

Love you guys so much!



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