Chapter 10

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I sleep in till noon on Saturday morning. Weekends are amazing.

In the afternoon, I do some piano practice and some leftover Math homework. Most of the day I just eat though, Gran made some delicious pancakes and for lunch we ordered Thai.

Mum ate both meals with us. Dr. Parkinson also mentioned that she is on the road to recovery and might not need a therapist much longer or as frequently. I feel like I should offer Dr. Parkinson the spare room because she barely ever leaves this house. She can't really leave Lewis alone now, or at least until he leaves. I'm going to miss him, but I miss the old him more.

"Dr. Parkinson, would you like to stay here until Lewis leaves. You do so much work here and then you have to drive all the way to the city late every night." Dr. Parkinson smiles sweetly at me.

"Thank you Kristen. That sounds lovely."

Dr. Parkinson is much older than Sharon, and twice as experienced. I knew from the beginning I would like her. I'm glad I trusted my gut.

Later that night, after I helped settle Dr. Parkinson in the spare room, I went off to sleep early.

But I didn't get to stay asleep.

I hear a scream coming from upstairs and I hastily jump out of bed. Is Gran crying again? I walk into the hall and discover it wasn't Gran making the sounds. I walk into Lewis' room slowly. "Lewis? Are you alright?" I say softly, but he ignores me.

"Watch out!" He mumbles loudly. He gets tangled in the sheets as he tosses and turns and thrashes around. He must be having a nightmare.

"Lewis, it's just a bad dream." I try to soothe him. I take a step forward.

His eyes are wide open as he grabs my wrists and pulls me down to his level "Dad watch the road! What are you doing?!" He adds drowsily and starts shaking me roughly.

I try wriggling my hands free but his grip is too strong. I pull harder but still to no avail.

Then he stops. He freezes and goes still. His hands drop to the bed and my staggered breathing is the only noise. His eyes flicker shut.

I bite my lip.

I tiptoe out of my room and cover my mouth. I collapse onto the bed in sobs.

I miss him so much. I love him so much. He had never done anything to hurt me, not mentally or physically. Sure, he could be annoying and a bit of a jerk, but all brothers are. I can't do anything to help him. I can't save him from himself, I can't even get over my own anxiety.

I was stupid. I never should have gone into his room alone. With his fragile state of mind, who knows how much he could have hurt me. Even though the pain is subsiding, the fear at the pit of my stomach still hasn't faded. I should have gone straight to Dr. Parkinson.

The next day I wake up with bruises on my wrists. They are only light, but still noticeable.

I decide to pack my bag for the camp. It's only for four days but I'm probably going to end up packing for a month. Are all girls like this?

In the afternoon I get a call from Bridge. She says it's an emergency, and she's rushing over to my house now to pick me up.

I don't even get the chance to greet her parents. She pulls me in and runs me to her room. "OMG Bridge, what's up?" I ask.

"I have a date with Dylan. Dylan Holloman. Dylan."

"Wow. Are you serious?"

"No I'm just kidding with you... OFCOURSE I'M SERIOUS."

"Did he ask you out or...?"

"Doesn't matter." She says so nonchalantly that I almost missed it, "The point is, I need you to help me pick an outfit."

Obviously she asked him out. Which I can understand, because girls have just the same rights as guys. She's probably just a little embarrassed.

"Should I wear a dress? My butt looks better in jeans though."

"Where are you going?"

"This Italian restaurant for dinner. It's in two hours, help me, quick!"

She ends up wearing a flowery jumpsuit. I help her with her hair and makeup as well as paint her nails. She looks beautiful but she refuses to admit it.

At 7:30, we hear a beep coming from outside. He must be here. "Bridge, I think he's here." We both squeal like little girls and jump up and down.

"Thanks Kristen. Thanks a lot." She hugs me and runs down stairs.

I wait till the car drives off before I start dismounting the stairs myself. I make it to the bottom and hear Mr. and Mrs. McAllister talking. But their voices start getting louder and louder.

They're fighting.

I can't catch all they are saying, but I hear Mr. McAllister say, "I'm sick of this Jane. I can't do this anymore."

"Leave whenever you want then! Don't think you're the only one who's fed up!" Mrs. McAllister shouts back.

"I'm not leaving till I get custody!" Mr. McAllister sternly answers.

Both of them stand completely silent as they turn their heads to look at me. Dammit! I didn't even make a sound!?

"I'm sorry Kristen, we didn't mean for you to hear that." Mr. McAllister says formally but still ashamed.

"Please don't tell Bridget." Mrs. McAllister pleads. I try to open my mouth to speak but no words come out.

"I'm sorry." I say and rush to the front door.

I run down the street as fast as I can. I turn back and see Mrs. McAllister poking her head out the front door. When she doesn't spot me, she walks back inside. Their shouts slowly fade out and I stop running. I bend over and put my hands on my knees as I pant. I really need to start running more.

What am I going to do? Bridget's family isn't my business. But I feel bad keeping a secret like this from her. Would she hate me if I told her? It's not my place to tell her. I can't. I shouldn't. It's being selfish wanting to tell her. It's being selfish not telling her.

I don't know what to do.

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