Chapter 16

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It didn't take long for that day to end and for me to be back on the bus on my way home. I'm super pumped that I don't ever have to see Belinda again. And I really can't wait to see how mum is doing. Kyle snags a seat next to me on the bus. If Bridget was here I might have made him move.

I'm too tired to talk, so I let Kyle blabber on. He mentions how his cousin is a loud snorer and he can't wait to beat me in the bet. I tell him to dream on.

Before I know it, I'm at my front doorstep. I shove Kyle in the shoulder and say, "You better leave before Lewis sees you."

"Wait, Kristen, before I go... Can I ask you something?"

"Uh... yeah. Shoot."

"Would you like to go on a date?" He pauses and looks at me for approval. I stare at him gawking. Did I hear that right? "Like an official date. Spending time together outside school as not just friends-"

"I know what a date is." He freezes and bites his lip. "And I would love to go on a date with you."

"You would? I mean, of course you would. Who wouldn't?" I laugh at his awkwardness. Who would've thought Kyle could lose his cool. "I guess I'll see you later."

"See ya." Then he's gone.

And a million thoughts rush through my head at once. A date. An actual date. With Kyle. Kyle? Why am I going on a date with Kyle? He's a bad influence but... he really cares about me. I don't know. I have feelings for him and I can't ignore them. But... oh I don't know anymore.

One date can't hurt right?

I get inside and rush around looking for Gran or Mum. No one is downstairs so I run up the stairs and look for some form of life.

I can't find anyone so I decide to haul my suitcase into my room and unpack. Maybe everyone went out for ice-cream?

Then I spot Gran sitting on my bed, staring blankly. "Gran? Are you alright?" She turns to face me.

"Oh dear, I'm fine. I was just thinking about your brother."

"He'll be ok Gran. Once he goes to the... uh... hospital, he'll get better."

"He's already at the hospital."

Lewis, my brother, is at a mental hospital. The shocking realisation has finally hit me. My brother, my caring and loving brother who was supposed to be getting married. Who was supposed to be fishing with Dad. Who was supposed to be happy.

Gran stands up and walks over to me and hugs me. "I just hope that everything will be alright."

"It will." I tell her with certainty.

"I know it will."


And somehow it's Monday. Most of my weekend I studied for the exams today. I wanted to visit Lewis but Gran and Mum said it's too soon.

So now I'm sitting in front of Mrs. McGuire and I'm doing my exam. And it's easy. An hour passes and I'm sitting in front of my maths teacher, Mr. Flee, doing my next exam.

At recess, I look for Bridget but can't find her. Luckily, I run into Kyle so I'm not alone. "Hey Kristen. I just did my maths exam."

"And? How do you think you went?"

"Great. So I guess I'll win the bet."

"We'll see."

"Speaking of see, have you seen Bridget?"

"No. I haven't been able to talk her since camp."

"Hey, don't worry about it. She's getting everything sorted and by tomorrow, when all the exams are over, you'll be able to help her out."

"I don't know. Do you think she will be mad at me for not telling her?"

"No... why would she? She'll understand, you did the right thing Kristen." I don't answer. Sometimes I'm unsure of whether or not I did do the right thing. "Kristen, don't stress yourself over this." He kisses me on the forehead and starts walking away, "I'll see you after your piano lesson."

"Bye." I wave.

The day flies by. I don't see Bridget and I don't get to talk to her. Well obviously I can't talk to her if I don't see her.

Kyle picks me up after my piano lesson as planned and drops me home. And then I reminisce about the eventless day I had.

Hopefully, days will always be like this. No stress, no worries. Ok, I did worry a bit about Lewis and stress about my exam. But, most of that is normal. Now, I don't need to worry about Belinda or triggering another anxiety attack. So, for me, this day was good.


I wake up early and get ready for school like I always do. I take the bus. Again like I always do. Then I see Bridget. But she doesn't look like she always does.

"Bridget?! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Though I'm feeling a bit... not fine. I'm not fine. Kristen. I'm not fine."

"I know, it's ok. But you aren't alone-"

"What do you mean you know?"

"Bridget, let's talk about this somewhere else." I gesture around to the busy locker room.

"What do you mean you know?!" She repeats, this time with a higher pitched voice.

"I can explain everything. And you don't need to get upset-"

The bell rings and Bridget walks off. I'm not sure if she has pieced it all together. If she is angry or upset. I hope we can sort this all out later, or else... everything will go downhill.

I go to homeroom and see a substitute teacher at the door. The class knows that that means 'no seating arrangement'.

I get into the class room and look for Kyle. But he isn't there. Why wouldn't he be here? It's not like we have exams that he's ditching. Because exams are over. He was normal when I left him yesterday.

I feel like every second is hours. With Kyle away and the problem Bridget and I are going to have on my mind, I can't stop stressing and worrying. I find it hard to breathe, like there isn't enough oxygen in the air.

I try taking deep breaths. Eventually, my breathing returns back to normal and the bell rings distracting me from controlling my breathing. The first thing I do is rush to the lockers and search for Bridget.

It doesn't take me too long to find her and drag her some placed quiet. We end up behind the staff building near the road. No students or teacher really come here.



"Bridget, I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For not telling you."

"When did you find out?" She says evenly.

"Just before we went to camp. Remember the night you were going on that date with Dylan? Yeah, well, on my way out I overheard your parents. They told me not to tell you."

"And so you just kept that massive secret from me?"

"I had to Bridge. It was none of my business, your parents needed to handle it themselves. I didn't want to intrude-"

"It is your business Kristen. As my best friend you're supposed to protect me."

"I was trying to do the right thing Bridget."

"Next time, don't bother trying." She turns on her heel and walks off.

"Bridget, wait! You have to understand!" I call after her...

But she doesn't turn back.

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