Chapter 9

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Gran and I make our way home from the hospital about an hour later. Dr. Parkinson and the other doctors agreed I should avoid Lewis and try not to provoke him. They also said Kyle cannot come to my home until Lewis leaves.

In about two weeks, when all the paper work has been sorted, Lewis will be sent to a psychiatric home. I don't know much about them; I haven't even seen any movies based on them.

I'm scared for Lewis. I'm not sure whether I'm worried he's going to attack someone again or whether someone else might hurt him. But I love him, no matter what he's done to me.

Dr. Parkinson pulls her sedan into our driveway and we all hop out quickly. Gran fumbles with the keys but eventually opens the door.

"I'll just check on your mother sweetie, then I'll head home for the night," Dr. Parkinson says to me calmly. "Come Lewis, it's time for bed."

Lewis follows her up the stairs and she leads him to his room. Then she pops out and goes into Mum's room.

I don't know why Lewis is so calm when she talks to him. But what I do know is that she is a hell of a lot better than Sharon. Mum has already improved so much. She's flying through the stages of grief and in no time she'll be healthy again. I just know it.

Another question I ponder as I walk up the stairs is why I haven't been impacted as much as my family. Dad's sudden death was unexpected and I was just as close to him as Lewis and Mum. Maybe Emily hurt Lewis a lot more than I accounted for. Maybe Kyle was right, I am strong.

That night I go to sleep still thinking. I keep tossing and turning, remembering how the day was going really well. Most of the morning was boring, but I got to spend the afternoon with Kyle. Just thinking about him makes warmth rush to my cheeks.

I can't believe I'm falling for such a gorgeous idiot.

Suddenly I hear a bang. Even though it's soft, I can tell it's coming from downstairs. I take in a deep breath and lift the sheets off my bare legs. Definitely shouldn't have worn shorts tonight; especially if there's a robber or something. I unscrew the leg off my desk chair and bring it with me, like a makeshift baseball bat.

I slowly make my way down the stairs. Each time I tiptoe down a stair, I feel my anxiety spiking.

I make my way around the corner into the formal room with my piano. Then I hide against a wall and peak through the archway.

There's definitely someone in the house. Crap.

The figure turns around and I whip my head back around the wall so fast that I might need physio therapy for years.

What happens next surprises me. I hear the figure whimpering, a soft feminine voice echoes quietly. Then I feel stupid for accusing Gran of being a robber. I let out a sigh of relief and start heading to Gran who I realise is crying.

"Kristen?" She says and wipes her eyes. "Did I wake you?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"What are you holding?"

"Oh. Sorry, I thought you were a robber." I mumble. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not." I notice she has a wine glass in her hands.

"Gran, you can tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just sad for Lewis and Mara. I knew this was going to happen, but it still is upsetting."

I reply by hugging her. I've never seen Gran cry before, but it's good to know she's human too. I love her so much, and I love Mum and Lew too.

"Now go to bed. You've got school tomorrow," Gran says with a forced smile.

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