M.B.G.I.S.B: chapter 7

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I've been skating around the streets for so long that it's kinda dark out. Honestly, I've never skated for that long, and I've just been cruisin'. I don't know what my next move is but, bruh I'm hungry. Did I even bring my bag with me?


I slowly pulled back on my board, making it come to a complete stop and pulled out my phone. Do I even have any cash on me? Let's see, hopefully I do cuz it's like fucking nine something at night and I don't have a clue where I am and I'm starving.

I pulled off the case of my phone and saw a thirty dollar bill, finally something is going my way!

"Fuck yeah!"

I quickly slipped it into my bra cup and clicked back on my case, then kicking up my board and grabbing it with my hand.


Shit, that's my stomach.

"Man, I need something to eat and fast." I said while rubbing my stomach.

All of a sudden I hear a car horn.


"Yo, Tree." Hahahah, I know who that fuck-face is. I jogged up to the car and slid right in. I turned to see my god-brother Aj, Seeing his stupid face makes me smile. As soon as I was seated I gave Aj a big ol' bear hug, nearly squeezing him to death.

"I missed you so much tree." He exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek leaning over the leather seat to chuck my skateboard in the back.

"Hey, close the door while your at it." He laughed. I grinned back as a reply and slammed the door with my feet hanging out the window.

Aj just laughed it off.

"So how has my cheeky, little monkey been?" He said, grabbing my cheek and giving it a tight squeeze.

I laughed at him and swatted his hand.

"Just great, y'know the sich'." I smiled thinking of things to say, "-ditching school, kissing boys, late nights, picking fights, making enemies, the norm." I laughed. He chuckled whilst Shaking his head.

"Well, back when-."

"I'll stop you right there." He burst out laughing, but I continued, "-don't give me that crap, your only like what, 24? You shouldn't go all old on me." I grinned, playfully shoving him.

"Aye, I was only joking. I don't wanna be called anything close to old right now." He half-heartedly smiled, He then laughed and started fidgeting with my fingers.

Oh! I forgot, I need some food.

"Hey Aj, wanna get a bite to eat? I'm starvin'." I said while glancing at our surroundings.

"Yeah, sure. I don't want my god-sister to be anorexic now." He laughed. "Hey, that's not funny. And I'm not even that thin to worry about, I'm a healthy thin." I said, grabbing my tummy and squeezing it.

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