M.B.G.I.S.B: Chapter 19

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After days of comforting Maddy, through her sending 'horrifyingly scary texts' at the worst of times possible and consistent calls throughout the week, she eventually stopped out of no where.

And man I'm worried, at that moment, I was just getting off the bus and making my way down to her street.

Let's hope everything is okay, I know she needs someone right now.

It felt like every step I made a 'possible situation' of the absolute worst, pop inside my mind, and let me tell you, I would never want to repeat any of them out loud.


As I finally made it to her large light blue house, I looked up to her large open bay window to see if anyone was home.

It was clear, so I didn't want to cause her parents answering the door, so I walked to the side of her house, opening the gate as silently as I could and made my way up the steps and to the back door.

As the bandit, that I am, I was inside the home, and already striding through the living room.

But out of impulse, I couldn't go without an ice block from the freezer, trust me, their ice blocks are amazing.

After having a debate to myself of having to choose over 'raspberry Apple' and 'Tropical', I ate my way to Maddison's room.

Stopping in my tracks, and mid bite when I heard something I wish I didn't.

Muffled moans.

Without even re-thinking my actions, I was turning the door knob of her bedroom door. Where their lustful sounds were less muffled.

My eyes widened to the brim, when I saw who Maddison was fucking. My grip loosened dramatically and the half finished Ice block fell from my grasp.

"What, the fuck Maddison." I yelled, with ice block residue falling out of my open mouth.

Both of the culprits looked up, both of their bodies covered with each other's sweet, and thankfully blankets covering their most sensitive of places.

No words were uttered, but I took this opportunity to make my way to the bathroom and fill up a bucket, then filling it with ice and water from the kitchen.

I stormed my way back into the bedroom and poured the ice cold water all over the rats, earning ear piercing screeches.

"What the fuck Man!" Miss-Whore-who-fucks-acuss said.

"Who the fuck." I corrected her, motioning to the naked guy in the room with us, who was attempting to cover his "sa-sige" but failing miserably.

I like to kourtney, she is my spirit animal

I lunged towards the random, and ripped the pillow from his grasp and pushing him all the way to the front door.

"Call me!" He yelled, as soon as he was outiside. "Hey! I don't have any clothes on!!" He yelled.

"Figure something out."

I jogged back up to Maddison's room and as soon as I was visible in the door frame, I made my famous 'so, spill' pose; with my extended leg, menacing scowl, raised eye brow and folded arms.

She collapsed back onto the filthy bed, where exactly seconds ago there were hormonal teenagers, getting it out of their system, on the mattress.

"Why? Just why? Is this how you're handling your brake up?" I lectured her.

She groaned in return, "you know I was doing just fine until you showed up!" She replied, making my eyes fall to the back of my head.

"This is not the way to rid your problems Maddison! It's really not!" I paced back and forth, full of anger, but mostly disappointment.

"I thought you would know better by now! I mean, haven't we learn't from your 'Summer fling' with those senior boys!"


"I mean really Maddison! I'm trying her, I really am. You can't just turn to sex to fill that void."


"With all that dick riding, how does your parents still not suspect anything?"


"I mean, by now you must've nearly gotten through the whole town."


"And I know I don't mean most of the shit that's spilling out of my mouth right now but, for real Maddison, this is not a way to live your life."

I kneeled in front of her, grasping her hand with mine. She hesitantly rose from her laid back position to look me in the eyes.

"Maddy" I sighed, she slightly smiled at me, "This needs to change for good." I shook her hands.

Her smile was kept on her face, "that's the first time you've called me something other than Maddison." She almost started tearing up.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Oh come on, Seriously, this needs to stop." I said sternly, making eye contact with her eyes.

"Alright, if-" I groaned, she giggled at my reaction, "-you call me Maddy." She smiled, quite happy with herself.

"That's IF you make a change, then I'll be more than welcome to call you Maddy." I smiled.

Not a fake bitch smile, an actual, genuine smile.

"I will, I promise. I-I just like it when you call me Maddy, it's sounds more like a 'friend basis' not just 'you mothering me'. She replied, quietly as if it were secret.

"Well, if you decide not to choose fucking or sucking after a brake up...I'll start."

"Okay, starting from now....hey! I'm doing pretty good." She smiled.

I couldn't help but shake my head and let out a chuckle, "you sure are Maddy."

Her face lit up at the sound of her name, and we were collided into a huge hug. "Uh, Mad, I don't wanna be a buzz kill but...You're kinda naked, and sweaty." I laughed, and pushed her off.
Maddy laughed and stood up to make her way to the bathroom.

"Nailing ever problem on the nail, boom!" I cheered to myself.

I guess I do know how to use words to comfort someone, it's all so new to me though. Did I do a good job? Did she enjoy it? Could I have done better?
Bahaha, I sound like I just fucked someone for the first time, oh lord. Help, haha.

I got up from the floor, and passed my melted ice block. "Ahhh." I sighed as I walked through the hallway.

That was seriously the best ice block ever. "Bye Maddy!" I yelled and grabbed another ice block from the freezer.

"Hello lover."


So here's an update, I feel like it's short I dunno.  Well, I do hope you guys enjoyed the whole 'break up' situation.  Shit, I just figured out that I misspelled 'break' in the  book. Oh well, hahaha. As always, thanks for reading and I love you all bye xxx

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