M.B.G.I.S.B: chapter 10

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I wanted to say that I'm so thankful for over 100+ views on this book, it doesn't seem like much to some people but, I'm just so proud! Thanks for everything!

I was laying on the surface of my lifted floor where my bed is and was scrolling through my music playlist. "I'm Hungry!" Georgie shouted.

I Ignored, "Me too!" Blake replied. I ignored again, suddenly I felt my leg being tugged. The fuck? I looked up to see Georgie pulling on my leg, "why?" I chuckled. He pouted and replied, "will you make us breakfast?", then tugging at my leg again, oh poor baby. Someone go get him a pacifier.

I scoffed, "are you serious? Can't you two feed yourselves?" I looked both of them in the eyes.
"Nope." Blake answered. I just mouthed 'wow', and began scrolling through my music again.

This time Georgie pulled me so hard that my butt hit the side of the bed.

"DUDE!" I yelled.


So, there I was cooking bacon with the angriest expression ever planted on my face while Georgie and Blake just had stupid little happy faces on while they watched me cook. "How long to go?" Blake said, batting his eye lashes.

"Piss off." I spat.

"Kay." Georgie replied quickly.

I just scoffed and turned the bacon onto its other side. "I'm not your baby sitter, y'know." I said sternly. Blake came from behind me and snaked his arms around me soothing my muscles.
"Oh, I know." He said with a kiss to my temple.

"Your damn lucky that your good in bed, or else I wouldn't even be doing any of this." I elbowed him hard at the crotch making him back away and bend down in pain.

"Well if you keep doing that, I won't be able to have children." He said quietly, due to the fact that he was out of breath. "-the doctors might have to cut my dick off because of the abuse you send to my friend." He lightly chuckled.

"Good." I smirked.


"Okay you white trash, eat up and don't complain." I slipped my apron over my head and chucked it over to racks and slammed down my spatula. "Yayyyyyyyy!" They both cheered, running to the stove and helping themselves with breakfast. Ughhhh, I'm only 15 and these two make me feel like I've been raising two kids for like my whole life.

I stood there just staring at the two little rats scoffing down the eggs, bacon and toast down their throats. "Rats." I whispered and walked off to the lounge room, plonking down on the couch.

I stretched out my arms and tucked my legs into my chest and turned on the TV with the remote. "Nah, today isn't a day to watch an obese kid win crowns." I said to myself. It really isn't, I have two little pigs in the kitchen already. Do I really need to watch one that wins crowns? No.

I switched through a couple channels before I found a pretty cool movie, "hmmm...Descendants." I hummed intrigued.


"Oh I'm totally Malificent's Daughter!" I shouted with passion. I was so into this movie that I totally forgot about the two rats in the other room, I then heard scurrying which was probably the 'them' coming to see why I was shouting.

"What about who?" Georgie questioned behind me. I turned around and saw the two little rats behind me with confused ass expressions planted on their faces.

"I was just saying how I would totally be Malificent's daughter." I answered with confidence. They just looked at each other with weirded out expressions and plonked down on both sides of me. Blake snaked his arm around my shoulder, obviously doing it just to show that I'm his, typical dominance.

I smiled, and kissed his arms lightly pulling it down across my chest like a seat belt.


"Can we PLEASE watch something else." Georgie demanded.

"I swear, if it wasn't the fact that you sell drugs and smoke weed, I would've thought you were 7." I laughed, while I gave his leg a playful smack. He covered his leg, pretending it was hurt and said "oh, tree! Don't resolve to violence! Violence is not the answer!"

What a smart ass, honestly he's gotta stop being a little twerp.


I quickly sped up stairs into my bedroom and got out some 'Tester Vapes', or 'non-nicatine Vapes', if you wanted to get technical and I picked out some flavours and walked out from my bedroom to the stairs saying, "look what I have!"

Blake and Georgie's heads quickly turned and they both started clapping like little kids. I walked down the rest of the steps and jumped over the coach, sitting comfortably. I inserted the flavours in each one and chucked one to Georgie first, "one for you," then to Blake, "one for you," and finally "one for Mama."

I saw the both of them smile greatly and take a big sip of their flavoured Vapes. "Mmmmmm, I got raspberry." Blake said with delight. "I got bubblegum." Georgie stated. "I forgot which one I have." I chuckled...I know which one I have, I chose this exact one for a reason.

These moments just make me smile of even thinking about it.
"I love you guys." I said with vape coming out of my nostrils, and mouth. I got the strained Marijuana tea one I made.

They just both smiled and I draped my legs over Blake's lap.

See you next time, word count: 931 words without this writing.

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