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Chapter 15

Paige’s POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. Machines beeped beside me and I had a needle in my left hand. I had blood over my other arm. Marcus was standing beside me and a girl was sat next to me who I didn’t know.

I looked up at Marcus’ eyes. They were no longer the black soulless ones I had seen before…………

Before he stabbed me.

“Marcus.” I said. Why does my throat hurt really bad?

He looked down at me. His eyes were wide and he gasped. Marcus trapped me in a hug and started to cry. I tried to move my arms to push him off but he kept crying. After a while he let me go. I got to ask where I am but I know why I’m here. I think I shouldn’t bring that up for now. I’ll wait for him to explain.

“Marcus, what happened, why am I here?” I asked.

His head dropped. He put his hands over his face and I could hear him cry more.

“I’m so sorry, I know you will never forgive me but I put you in here. When I was possessed I stabbed you because you tried to make me good again. I was gonna leave you there but you said something that made me good again. You saved me. I’m really sorry that I did this to you.” He mumbled.

I stared at him. Really I saved him, I really did it. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to. Obviously wasn’t that sure of myself but I did it.

“I do forgive you Marcus.” I said. “Why am I really thirsty?”

I saw Marcus look to the girl sat beside me. She smiled half- heartedly. What’s going on? Marcus turned back to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He smiled but it was wrong. It was like he had done something else.

“Uhm…… you were dying. I didn’t want to lose you so I went to the woods and I asked my friend here to save you.” He said.

What is he on about save me? Only a doctor could have saved me if I was dying. Couldn’t they? Please tell me there is nothing I don’t know about my army. I need to know who everyone is. I have never seen this girl before now and he is telling me she had been with us all along. 

“How do you mean save me?” I asked.

I really didn’t want to know the answer. Especially when the girl was about to get up and leave. I don’t like this. What has he done now?

“Paige, this is Melanie. She is a vampire and she saved you by……… uhm.” He said.

She did what? What has happened to me? I put my fingers up to my teeth and felt two sharp fangs. NO! This cannot be happening.

“You’re a vampire.” Melanie simply stated.

I got out of the bed and ripped the needle out of my hand. I ran over to her and pinned her to the wall.

“You bitch. You turned me into a vampire.” I screamed angrily.

She tried to push me off her but I forced her into the wall causing a big hole to appear. Marcus came over and grabbed my waist pulling me of her. Probably trying to protect his friend otherwise I would have killed her. What that girl has done to me do you blame me? No thought not.

“Paige stop, you need to know things about being a vampire.” He said with me still trying to kill Melanie.

I stopped trying to get free and waited for Marcus to let me go. Once he did I turned around.

“Don’t worry about that. I already know. I need to feed now. Just saying Marcus I do forgive you.” I said.

I heard the door shut with a bang. Melanie’s gone. Good. Now I can be with Marcus. I walked over to my bed and searched for any of my clothes. I’m not going out in a hospital nighty. I finally found my bag with my clothes in. I picked it up and got out my jeans, a vest top and a hoodie. As I took of my horrible nighty I noticed where my wound should have been from the sword. It was gone. I don’t remember anything about healing from reading. Yes that’s right. I know about vampires because I read about them. Sad right.

I got changed and walked over to Marcus. He was standing by the door keeping check for any doctors. If they saw I was fine they would have a great time trying to find out why.

“Where can I feed.” I asked.

“Well I think it’s time to get this war over with, what about you?”  He said.

I grabbed my hoodie and put it on. I concentrated hard and could feel my fangs disappear. I don’t want the army noticing that I’m a vampire. Apparently they don’t like vampires. He opened the door and we walked outside. The sun burnt my skin and I sighed. Gonna have to get used to this don’t I. I pulled the hood over my head and started to run. I left Marcus as he said he would bring the others. I didn’t complain as I was so thirsty.

I ran and ran. I had no idea where I was going but I knew that as soon as I was close to their camp I would be able to smell their blood. I just hope my backup arrives before I get too mad and get killed by them.

I arrived at a few big rocks that where on a hill. I stopped and smiled. I could hear their faint heartbeats from here. I could feel my fangs break through my gums again and my throat go very dry. Finally.

Marcus’ POV

I gathered everyone around me. They all stood and stared waiting for me to speak.

“It’s show time guys. Lisa we need to track Paige and she will lead us to them.” I said.

They all run off to get there weapons. Lisa walked to me and looked at me with piercing eyes. She wanted answers to why Paige had gone before us.

“She needed to feed so she went first.” I said.

I could see she knew what I meant when her eyes got big and she gasped. Really what does everyone have against vampires? Seriously.

“Let’s just win this and then we will disappear o.k.” I said.

She nodded and walked away from me. Suddenly a thought went through my head. Will our army let us go? 


Hi again

Now that makes three. I've nearlly finished writing this story. YAAAAY. Just thought I would let you know.

Ceryn xxx

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