He saved my life, kinda!

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Chapter 1

Paige’s POV

I rushed past the post office which was now shut. It had just gone dark and I was running to get to my job which I was now late for, stupid Lucy trying to help me. I know she’s my sister but she doesn’t half annoy me sometimes. Although I was angry at her I kept going trying not to be any later then I already was. I looked up to see the same familiar bar I had worked at for a year. I ran to the back door to meet my boss’s big nose there waiting for me. ‘Oh no I’m in trouble’ I thought.

“Paige Roberts, you’re twenty minutes late, what excuses do you have for me this time?” he shouted. Geez does he always have to shout.

“I had a family issue at home.” I mumbled pushing past him and hanging my coat up.

He sighed and walked to his office. Yes I’d won this round. He had threatened to fire me a million times but I know he never will. I’m the only one who does what he says around here. Just as I was opening the door to the bar, he popped his big nose through his office door and looked at me. I was fed up off this job and I’ve had it since I was 18. ‘Wow a hole year now.’ I thought.

“Where’s your sister, she has to work to you know.” He said.

“She’s at home, she’s got the flu.” I answered trying not to laugh. She was getting out of work again and the boss always fell for it, even when she fake coughed down the phone.

The night went on like this, people asking questions over the loud music and me serving them drinks. ‘Ohh boy isn’t this exciting’ I thought sarcastically as I served my last drink for the night. Time to go home finally. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my coat. I took my phone out of my pocket to see three new messages, two from my sister and one from unknown. I knew what my sister wanted me to get some drinks so she could get drunk but what was the unknown. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the text. It said be careful that’s all. That’s weird and now some stranger has my number, great. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked home trying to ignore the fact that someone I don’t know has my number.

I began walking home past an alley when a man tapped on my shoulder. I jumped a little and turned around. The man looked homeless with a long beard, dreadlocks and dirty clothes. He had a broken shoulder bag in his hand and the other hand in his pocket.

“Give me your money now!” he demanded as he pulled out a knife. He put the knife to my neck and I tried to get my money out of my pocket. My hands were shaking and sweaty. I tried to pull out my purse and then realised it wasn’t there. I must have left it at work when I got that creepy message but I can’t tell him I don’t have it he might want to go through my pockets. Was this the thing I was being told to be careful with? Who knew this was gonna happen, I certainly didn’t.

“I don’t have any money on me.” I whispered hoping he wouldn’t hear me. This was probably the most scared I had been and I was just making it worse. He looked into my eyes and moved the knife to my arm and cut me. I was already crying when he started cutting all down my arms. I started feeling light headed when he punched me in the face. I fell to the floor with a bang as my head hit the concrete. He swore quietly as he walked off onto the street. Just as my vision went black I was picked up by someone strong, his cologne burning my nose.

I tried lifting my eyes but they were too heavy, all I could feel was a strong pair of arms carrying me. I didn’t know where or what the stranger was going to do to me. He could kill me and I was just lying here. I couldn’t do nothing not even move my arms. Whoever this person was could feel I was trying to move.

“Shhhh, It’s ok, you’re safe now.” He whispered. Why did I trust him with my life? I must be a really bad judge of character to think something wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t take it anymore, my head was hurting and I was pretty sure I was crying. I couldn’t keep my eyes open and at that moment I passed out in this strangers arms.


Authers message

This is my first story so sorry if its bad. If you have any ways for me to make it better please tell me. I always like to learn. If you want to read the next chapter I will put it up next week. I have put up a cast as my friends wanted to be in the story. Some off the characters will appear later on in the chapters.

Ceryn xxx

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