Aleksanteri's POV
Jukka came running into the castle like a kid in a candy store and he was shouting something. So I immediately rose to my feet and headed for the door to the entrance hall. The very minute Jukka seen me he ran straight to me.
Me: Jukka, calm yourself at once
Jukka: *pants* I'm... so... very sorry, Your Worship
Me: Now I pray that you tell me why you ran like the speed of a tidal wave!
Jukka: Sinun tyttärentytär on saapui, Sinun Palvonta!
Me: Anteeksi?
Jukka: Sinun tyttärentytär on saapui, Sinun Palvonta
Me: Oikeasti?
Jukka: Kyllä, Sinun Palvonta
Me: Kiitos varten kertominen minua Jukka
The reason for Jukka running in at such a pace as that is because I have just received news that my grandchild has arrived. I am pleased that she has entered the world but I am not pleased that Lestat did not tell me. I fully assume that he requested that I not be told, but little does he know that I have other ways of finding out things as sacred as the birth of my granddaughter.
Me: Jukka!!!
Jukka: Kyllä, Sinun Palvonta?
Me: Minun täytyy lähteä heti!
Jukka: En valmistella liikenteen heti, Sinun Palvonta
Me: Kiitos Jukka!
I am going to put an end to this right now. I cannot be at loggerheads with my son any longer and for the sake of my granddaughter I want to put what has happened into the past!. I was summoned by Jukka to my transport the very minute it had been prepared. I will not lie to you, I do have butterflies in my stomach, but this is something I feel I have to do as I cannot take it any longer and plus I want to be in the presence of my baby granddaughter. Now think about it for a second; how can my son deprive his daughter of seeing her grandpa?... Exactly what I thought, it's impossible isn't it!!!.
25mins later...
I phoned my wife to tell her that I was in town and that I request to speak to Lestat immediately!. At first he refused to speak but then I heard Emily persuade him to!.
Me: Lestat listen to me... please don't hang up on me or pass the phone to your mother!... I am on my way to the hospital right now and don't say that I am not allowed to be there. I have a right to see my granddaughter Lestat and you know it so please just don't go anywhere. Please Lestat and I really shouldn't have to say this but I beg of you son please stay there till I arrive!
Lestat: have you finished yet?
Me: Lestat!!!!
Lestat: Alright fine just don't cause an uproar when you get here!
Me: Why?
Lestat: 1, because Katariina is here and 2, because of your granddaughter!!... Promise... Dad?
Me: Son I promise!
Lestat: See you when you get here!... you remember where the hospital is right?
Me: Of course I do... How can I forget... you and your sister were born there... Lestat?
Lestat: Yeah?
Me: Thank you son
Lestat: Don't mention it
I feel happy right now and nothing can change that!!!!... I was even more excited when I pulled up to the hospital. This is it I thought to myself. No turning back now!!!!

She Craves for Immortality *FINISHED*
Ma cà rồngLestat is a vampire who is looking for... well seeking for a special girl to share his immortal life with. He meets a young girl named Emily-Rose when his mother decides to make him go to school. From their first encounter they connected like a jigs...