Chapter 2 (Re-written/Updated)

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Lestat's POV

6am and my mom is up and about going through her usual morning routine... I of course have been awake all night.

Lestat's mom: Lestat?

Lestat: Yes mother?

Lestat's mom: Are you coming down to get something to eat?

Lestat: Erm... Yes... I'll erm... be down in a minute!

Lestat's mom: Ok

I could tell by her last reply, that she sounded a little worried as if I was up to something. Truth be told, I am up to nothing but my mind however, well lets just say that is another matter. Then I heard my mother say “see you later” as she walked out the door. As soon as she had walked out the door, I got my ass outta bed and got dressed. Just as I was about to put my jeans on I noticed something in my pocket. It was piece of paper with a number written on it I had no idea whose number it was to be honest. I chucked it in the bin and headed out the door for school. I got to school and headed straight for my locker to get my books ready for class when I saw this other girl getting bullied by some girl that always stared at me in class. To tell you the truth I really wanted to rip her throat out, but as my father said, I must keep a very low profile. However, when she noticed me, she stopped bullying the other girl and began to approach me. Before she could even get near me, I was already gone (and no I didn't run super fast like I would normally do in my world). I needed to go and see if that other girl was ok but having said that (and judging by the way them girls were bullying her), she didn't seem to be ok. Before could go near her, I did something to generate body heat like a human does (this was something I had never done before). She saw me coming round the corner but instead of running, she stayed exactly where she was and stayed the same as everything else around her, silent!. I decided to do something that I promised my father I wouldn't do. Engage in conversation with a human girl. What my father would not understand is the fact that I have to do this. I needed to know whether she was ok and she was very pretty too so I had to know her name as well.

Me: Hello, my name is Lestat... yours?

The girl: Emily

Me: Such a beautiful name is Emily

Emily: You think so?

Me: Of course I do

(Emily smiles)

Emily: Are you new here?

Me: Erm... Yes I am, I just started here yesterday

Emily: You seem to be the talk of the school right now

Me: Am I?

Emily: Yep, everyone in school is talking about you... except for me of course

Me: Why were those girls bullying you earlier?

Emily: Because they think I'm ugly and a total nobody

Me: Well I can nip that one in the bud for a start because you are beautiful!

Emily: Do you really think so?

Me: I know so... So how do you like to spend your free afternoon in school?

Emily: The library

Me: May I tag along?

Emily: Are you sure you want to be seen with me?

Me: I don't care... What they say about you is wrong!

Emily: Ok...

She Craves for Immortality *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now