Aleksanteri's POV
I watched as my son turned away from me... His words continued to play over in my mind. No matter where I go or what I do, I cannot not escape Lestat's words. ”As far away from him as I can possibly get!”. See there we go again; I cannot escape the words of my only son. I need to find my daughter!. NO!, I don't NEED to, I HAVE TO find my daughter. I'm hoping that it may trigger a reconciliation with my son. I began to think to myself; it's high time you returned home Aleksanteri!... Don't just stand there and watch him walk out, just go before you say something you'll regret!. Along with my thoughts, I vanished into thin air and returned home to begin the search for my daughter. Upon waiting for me to return was my assistant, Julkka. By his facial expression, he looked happy to see that I was back. Now... Normally I would greet him, but this time I didn't say a word and I could sense that he noticed that things didn't end well. Although, I wasn't in a good mood, my people tried most graciously to lift my sadness. It wasn't working though, but I thanked them for trying. In all honesty, I just didn't want to talk to anybody; I failed my son and I've damn sure failed my daughter. Regardless of the events that have transpired today, I am determined to make things right again or at least erase the old and make way for the new.
Julkka: Olisi sinua kuten a juoda, Sinun Palvonta?
Me: Olen hieno varten sitä hetki, Julkka!
Julkka: Tehdä sinua vaatia mitään muu, Sinun Palvonta?
Me: Ei kiittää sinua Julkka!
Julkka nods his head as a sign of his loyalty to me...
Me: Minä kiittää sinua varten sinun uskollisuus Julkka
Julkka: Olet eniten tervetuloa, Sinun Palvonta!
Then the entire room fell silent as I listened to some music by a great Finnish artist named Tarja. She has a beautiful voice I have ever heard.
(on the music system)
”Hyvyyden varjo peittää kyyneleen,
löytäneen luo vie askeleen.
Rauha saa, kehto uneen tuudittaa.
Toivo jää, tie rakkauteen.
Tie syvään vapauteen.”
As I listened to the words of Tarja, a tear began to make it's presence felt on my face. The very words that accompanied the beautful melody, reminded me of when I listened to this very song with Lestat. At one time, my daughter sang the song on a special family night. However, as much as I'd love to remember the old times... I have to find my daughter in order to try and repair the relationship between my son and I. If you think that is my only motive for wanting to find my daughter then you are wrong!. Soon I am going to a grandfather and I am as determined as ever before to see my grandchild; whether it be a granddaughter or a grandson, I am determined to see my grandchild and I gotta move fast because even half-vampire babies grow pretty damn quick. For this ”expedition”, I need to take Julkka and some of my army with me for extra cover. I will however, need to keep Julkka safe!.
Me: Julkka!!!!
Julkka: Kyllä, Sinun Palvonta?
Me: We olemme menossa to löytää minun tytär!
From the minute I told Julkka that I was going to do something about my daughter's disappearance, he was straight out the door to begin gathering the best army he could find. This is why I have to keep him safe, cause he is all I have (in terms of loyalty) at the moment.

She Craves for Immortality *FINISHED*
VampirLestat is a vampire who is looking for... well seeking for a special girl to share his immortal life with. He meets a young girl named Emily-Rose when his mother decides to make him go to school. From their first encounter they connected like a jigs...