Katariina's POV
Dad entered the room like he owned the entire hospital!. In a way it was funny but at the same time, so damn annoying. Another annoying thing about my dad is... he's very protective of me and I hate it. Oh come on!... He guards me like a pack of wolves guarding their young ones. Anyway, when he came into the room where we all were, he acknowledged us all as he would do, before going over to see his granddaughter. I noticed that Dad was sort of crying and that doesn't happen very often; a once in a blue moon moment if you ask me. I came to the conclusion that he noticed how beautiful Eveliina was. If I can be quite honest though and I'm not saying it's true or not, but I kinda think it's just all a put on so that Lestat won't say anything to him.
Me: What the hell was that?
Lestat: There's a car outside...
Aleksanteri: Oh no! (mutters unto himself)
Annalise-Marie: Aleksanteri?... mitä se on?
Aleksanteri: Enkeli on täällä!!
Lestat: Voi ei helvetti! ... Haluan hänet poissa isä
Me: In English please!... it would be nice!
Lestat: Sorry sis... What dad said was... Uncle Angel is here and I basically said that I want him gone as quickly as possible!
In case you haven't gathered it yet... I can't speak Finnish like I'm supposed to. It's a difficulty I discovered as a child and it's stuck with me ever since. I really don't know why I can't speak the language but I can speak Spanish.
Me: Lestat, Por favor dígame qué está aquí!
Lestat: Creo que se ha enterado de Eveliina
Me: Oh Dios mío! ... Deshazte de él ... AHORA!
Lestat: Äiti ... Tuletko?
Annalise-Marie: Kyllä
Lestat: Isä?
Aleksanteri: Kyllä tietysti poika
Lestat: ¿Vas a venir o quedarse aquí con Emily?
Me: estar aquí con Emily
Lestat: ¿estás seguro de que quieres quedarte aquí?
Me: Sí Lestat!
Annalise-Marie: So you are staying here with Emily?
Me: Yes mom I am!
Annalise-Marie: ok
Aleksanteri: Et kuulu tänne Enkeli ... Jätä kerralla!
Enkeli: Ei toivottaa veljesi? ... Se ei ole hyvä merkki rakas veli
Annalise-Marie: Kuinka kehtaat näyttää naamaasi täällä?!
Enkeli: Minun kaunis käly ... kuinka voit?
Aleksanteri: Takaisin turpasi Enkeli! ... et kosketa häntä ymmärrät ja et ole tervetullut tänne!
Lestat: Oikeasti sinun on parasta lähteä ennen repiä vitun pääsi irti!!!
and at that moment... Chaos ensued but I stayed right by my sister-in-law and my niece. Suddenly, I hear a familiar sound so I went to look out the window. All I could see was my father laying down on the ground covered in blood. In that instant, my knees just buckled but Lestat was there in time to catch me and save me from causing further damage to my already fucked up head!.

She Craves for Immortality *FINISHED*
VampireLestat is a vampire who is looking for... well seeking for a special girl to share his immortal life with. He meets a young girl named Emily-Rose when his mother decides to make him go to school. From their first encounter they connected like a jigs...