Chapter 12

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Lestat's POV

I will admit to you all here and now that I am literally scared right now. I'm a dad for the first time and I'm scared that something will go wrong!. Despite knowing that my dad is on his way here also scares me!!. I'm telling you now... that bastard kicks off or says one thing out of turn and I'll go absolutely mental. Then again... with my mom here I don't think he'll step out of line. As I slowly slipped out of my deep thinking, a huge yawn from Emily escaped her mouth as did Eveliina's. It made me laugh a little and it warmed me up inside (despite always being cold). I carefully placed Eveliina back into the hospital cot beside Emily's hospital bed and sat down in the chair. I chose to read more of my book that I had got lost in recently; it wasn't before I finished the 23rd chapter that my father walked in.

Me: Shh!!!

Aleksanteri: (whispers) Sorry

My dad then proceeded to walk over to where Eveliina was sleeping and I couldn't help but notice... my dad had started crying. It was then that I realized that he was proud of me and that thought alone, made me smile and considering the fact that me & my dad have never really seen eye to eye, I'd say at least we agree on the amount of beauty that Eveliina possesses. All I can think about is whether or not I'll be a good dad and whether everything will go the way I hope it will. Earlier when my sister arrived, her excitement could not be contained... especially when she found out that her name was one of Eveliina's middle names. When she walked in, I could see how much she wanted to hold Eveliina so Emily told her to sit down before passing Eveliina to her. I noticed that a tear or two ad graced Katariina's face. Anyway... back to the present moment. Here's me sitting in the chair holding Eveliina, Emily is on her iPhone playing some game called Candy Crush Saga, my mom & dad are talking about how beautiful Eveliina is and Katariina is also on her iPhone playing a game called Dragon City (on silent of course). All of a sudden my dad arose like lightning...

Me: Dad what's...

Aleksanteri: Shh... Lestat give Eveliina to Emily!

Me: Why??

Emily: Just do as your dad says Lestat

Me: Ok

Aleksanteri: Lestat, Katariina, Annalise-Marie come with me

Katariina: I wanna stay with Emily so she's protected

Annalise-Marie: Are you sure sweetie?

Katariina: 100% positive

Me: Guard her and Eveliina as if you were guarding Mom's necklace!!

Katariina: Lestat!!... She's my sister-in-law and Eveliina is my niece... I'm not gonna let anyone hurt my family!!!!

It soon became apparent to me as to why my dad arose so quick. My uncle Enkeli had arrived at the hospital despite knowing he wasn't welcome!!. I don't know the full story but from what I can gather, him & dad had a major fall out because of something that happened.

Enkeli: My dear brother... why the angry face?

Aleksanteri: How dare you ask that!... You are not welcome here Enkeli

Annalise-Marie: Why are you here???

Enkeli: To see my nephew, my niece & my great niece!

Me: Like hell you are!... you are not coming anywhere near my daughter, Katariina or Emily!!

Enkeli: Well thank you for the nice welcome Lestat! >moves forward<

Aleksanteri: You take one more step towards my son and...

Enkeli: And what my dear brother... you wouldn't do anything


I saw my mom's eyes turn red... The very minute her eyes turned red, my uncle seemed to back away. Then I knew... My uncle was scared of my mom & that's why he fell out with my dad... because Uncle Enkeli wanted to marry my mom instead but she must've chosen my dad instead.

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