Emily's POV
When I told Lestat that I was pregnant in his native language, he went as pale as the clouds in the sky. However, I had to say it in Finnish because I didn't want anyone else to know... I know that at first Lestat wanted to ask why. Spending that 1 night at Lestat's house was the best night ever. I kept wondering what will happen to me and Lestat now that I'm pregnant; I hope Lestat won't do anything rash... I pray to the world he doesn't anything stupid. I don't this is what he wanted but its happened and I am not going to get rid of it!!.
Lestat: Come over to mine after school
Me: Why?
Lestat: Because I have something I need to tell you
Me: Ok
Lestat: With my father's permission of course
School ends...
Lestat helps me into the car which was very sweet of him. He was driving his Lamborghini Murcielago today; he was driving his 1996 Chevrolet. The interior was red and the paint job was beautiful. You can probably guess what color the paint job is. I asked him if I could put some music on and of course he said... I went through his list and I found a song called Alone in This Bed by Framing Hanley. Tears started to roll down my face and he knew automatically that this song was upsetting me a little so he changed it. He changed it to a song called Devil's Night by Motionless In White. The look of wonder on his face when he noticed me mouthing the words, was quite funny to tell the truth. I had a sneak peek of what was coming on next. The song that was on after Devil's Night was Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan by Nightwish. My face went red a little; that was the song that Lestat put on, the night he committed to me romantically. I continued to mouth the words to Devil's Night whilst Lestat started singing them. As quickly as the song had started, it ended and on came our song.
I started to sing...
“Kerran vain haaveeni nähdä sain
En pienuutta alla tähtien tuntenut
Kerran sain kehtooni kalterit
Vankina sieltä kirjettä kirjoitan...”
Lestat was surprised at how well I could sing the song. As I continued singing, I noticed a smile had fallen upon Lestat's face which was pleasing to me.
5 minutes later...
The song had ended by the time we had appeared in Lestat's driveway. His father was already waiting for us outside. To me he was a bit scary looking but Lestat said that he's ok in small doses, whatever that means.
Aleksanteri: Hyvää iltaa Lestat... Hello there miss
Lestat: Hyvää iltaa Isä
Me: Hyvää iltaa Aleksanteri
Aleksanteri: Sinua puhua suomen kieli ?
Me: Kyllä
Aleksanteri: Että tuo ilo to minun ilta
Lestat: Yeah let's just talk in English
Aleksanteri: If she understands the Finnish language Lestat then why should we?
Lestat: Father?
Aleksanteri: Yes?
Lestat: We can go inside now and her name is Emily!
Aleksanteri: Oh right... sorry son
Me: Thank you Lestat

She Craves for Immortality *FINISHED*
VampiriLestat is a vampire who is looking for... well seeking for a special girl to share his immortal life with. He meets a young girl named Emily-Rose when his mother decides to make him go to school. From their first encounter they connected like a jigs...