Chapter 14

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Lestat's POV

Dad just took the hit from my Uncle and he just fell to the ground. However, my uncle did not escape as my mom made she finished him off. Uncle Enkeli just laid there (on the ground) as if he was sleeping even though I knew he was dead and my dad?... well my dad was clutching my mom's hand as he screamed for help. I looked up at the sky and muttered a little speech in Finnish but also in Spanish because Katariina was listening through an ear piece.

(In the hospital room)

Emily: Katariina are you ok?

Katariina: I... just... saw... (faints)

Emily: KATARIINA!!!!!

I come rushing in just in time to catch Kat from falling. Oh dear god she must think Dad is dead and to be honest, that was my initial thought but now I got to think positive and naturally I got to hope for the best. I do not (under any circumstances) want my daughter to grow up without him.

Me: Katariina... Papá está bien

Emily: ¿Está seguro de eso?

Me: Sí

Annalise-Marie: Lestat?... tu papá va a estar bien

Me: Oh gracias a Dios por eso!

Upon hearing that Dad was going to be ok, Katariina demanded she see him immediately and I can't fault her for that one. As you notice, we have to speak Spanish when she's around because her English isn't so good and she can't speak my family's native language. She probably told you that she speaks excellent English but that isn't true. Anyway... Emily was allowed to take Eveliina with us as she felt it was right for our daughter to see her grandfather. As we were making our way to the room my dad was in, a thought slipped into my head and it was a good one either. I know I'm supposed to think positive, but it's really hard to do that after seeing your Uncle commit something so terrible. I just really hope that Dad will pull through this and get back on his feet.

(walks into room)

At the moment he can't move very good as the impact of my Uncle's powers are still inflicting themselves upon my father.

Me: Papá ¿estás bien?

Aleksanteri: I am fine Lestat... just cannot move for a while

Me: So he attacked you with?

Aleksanteri: The Death Blow

Annalise-Marie: Oh no! (cries)

Emily: Aleksanteri will you pull through this or...

Aleksanteri: Emily my dear... the death blow is fatal unless treated early and in this case I have been treated early so it's possible that I will pull through this.

Katariina: Papá?

Aleksanteri: Sí, mi querida hija?

Katariina: son estás vas a estar bien?

Aleksanteri: I... no hacer...

Just then my dad's weird machine went crazy and we were told to leave the room immediately. They started taking in some crazy equipment that I'd never seen before... Then I noticed one piece of equipment that I knew very well and in that instant, I knew that something just wasn't right. Katariina wanted to go in there, but I stopped her from getting in there and she 'bout nearly killed me. Just then a doctor comes out and tells us the news we didn't want to hear.

Doctor: I'm so sorry but we could not save him!

Katariina: (cries)

Lestat: Its not the news we were after but thanks for letting us know doc.

1 week later...

I still cannot believe that my father is no longer here... I miss him so much and I wish he could be here to see how much Eveliina has grown in just 1 week. Since my father's death, Emily said that Katariina could live with us.

16 years later...

The time has come for me & Emily to tell Eveliina about what really happened to her grandfather.

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