Chapter 5 - Part 2

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Aleksanteri's POV

I watched my son and his ”friend” pull up in the driveway. I don't think they had any idea that I was already there till they seen me. The girl looked very beautiful which is probably what Lestat thought too. It was at that moment that I noticed something... it was something about the girl. Her stomach area was sort of like, coming out a bit. I prayed to my ancestors that Lestat had not got the young girl preg... In fact I'm not going to walk down that path. Having said that, if the girl is pregnant then she must pre-warned anf fast. She needs to know that half-vampire babies grow quicker than human babies. I should know because Lestat grew very fast and he became a fully fledged vampire when he was 18. Sadly I was hardly ever there to see him grow but he has exceeded all my expectations and I am proud to know that he's my son. However, the only thing I haven't told him is something to do with his sister, Katariina. Basically, Katariina, ran away from home a while back and sadly we don't know where she is and it really kills me to not know where my little girl is. Anyway, back to my original point. I must pre-warn this young lady immediately.

10 minutes later...

As Lestat let myself and Emily in before proceeding to follow us, I noticed that Emily was indeed pregnant. I can just remember how I reacted when I found out Lestat's mother, Annalise-Marie, was pregnant with him but it wasn't so much of a shock when she got pregnant again with Katariina. Emily looks just like Annalise-Marie. The same long black hair with the most beautiful smile and everything else after that.

Me: Emily you need to listen carefully now

Emily: To what?

Lestat: To what I am going to tell you

Emily: Ok

Me: It is your choice whether you want to believe it or not

Emily: Ok

Lestat takes a deep breath before he begins...

Lestat: I am going to put it plain and simple because there is no point in beating about the bush... My father and I are vampires, Emily. My father is the ruler every single vampire on this earth including myself. At first I was only a half-vampire because my mother was human but I became a fully fledged vampire at 18 and I've been 18 ever since.

Emily just sat there whilst taking every word that Lestat said, into account...

Emily: So this baby inside me is half-vampire, half human???

Lestat: Yes

Emily: You could've told me sooner Lestat

Me: Emily he could not have told you sooner because he was not allowed to speak about it without my permission or without me being present. It's gonna sound silly but it's vampire law, sweetheart.

Emily: I think I just need a few minutes to let it all sink in. I do apologize for my outburst just then.

Lestat: It's ok but I should've asked for my father's permission a bit sooner and then maybe we wouldn't be in predicament right now.

As she walked out the door, Lestat followed her and I was going to do the same but I figured they should sort it out amongst themselves. I believed that I would make matters worse to tell the truth.

10 minutes later...

Emily: When this baby is born...

Me: Yes...

Emily: I request that Lestat change me!!

Lestat: She is adament about it father

Me: Then it's settled... Emily your request is granted.

She Craves for Immortality *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now