Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: Hey guys, despite this chapter being short, I hope you will enjoy it. :)

Chapter Twenty Four

    Drake walked down the hallway of endless lines of metal doors, locking behind disturbed souls. He was accompanied by two male nurses and a security guard.

     Drake had been arguing with the nurses to let himself personally see Raven and see of she was okay. They strongly pressed that it would not be safe for him nor the patient. Drake took the duffle bag full of money and handed it to them. They gasped to see what was inside. He continued to insist to let him have visits and he will be donating to the hospital and paying the necessary things as long as Raven is here.

      Drake didn't bother to give the whole lot. Beatrice made sure that Drake got the information he needed to help Raven.

     The staff looked at each other and finally gave in to Drake's request.

     The guard jumbled the keys on his hand before inserting it in the hole. He turned the key and a loud click of the lock echoed through the concrete hallway. The door slid open as a nurse pressed a button on the upper right wall near the door.

      Drake found Raven at one corner of the room, her face was paler as the moonlight piercing through the window.

      She was cradling herself, knees tucked towards her chest, her arms wrapped around them and was rocking herself back and forth.

      Drake slowly walked toward her, her murmuring echoed through the walls. He knelt down in front of her, just a feet away, with the nurses behind ready to give assistance.

      "Rav," his tone came out soft than he'd expected.

      Raven stopped murmuring and looked at him with wide eyes.

      "You came," she said with a smile.

       The nurses were taken aback by the change of aggressiveness.

      "Of course I would," Drake replied with a smile.

      Suddenly tears streamed down her face and copes her face in her hands and sobbed.

      "Sshh, sshh,  everything's going to be alright," Drake said while stroking her hair.

      "Lies," a smile voice whispered, making Raven snap her head up and frantically scanned the room. Drake heard it too.

      "She's here. She found me," Raven whispered uneasily as she gripped Drake's collar with her two hands.

      Drake held out his hand to signal the nurses not to go near them. Rebecca suddenly appeared next to them, sitting on her heels, leaning her chin on her knees with a smile.

      "Just relax Raven," Drake said calmly, ignoring Rebecca.

      Raven turned towards where Rebecca was sitting and suddenly stood up then screamed, pointing at Rebecca who just laughed with a sly smile. Drake stood up and held Raven by the arms.

      "Raven, no one is there," he said firmly, ignoring the guilty feeling he had. How long is he goig to lie to her?

      Raven turned to him disbelieving with furrowed brows. Rebecca leaned her arm against Drake's shoulder, giving her a sly smile.

      "Liar! I know you know she's here! You've been lying to me all this time! You are part of her schemes of killing me! Go to hell! Go to hell!" she yelled and started waving her arms around and hitting Drake.

      The nurses had no choice but to stop her and the guard escorted Drake outside. Raven continued screaming. The door quickly closed shut as the nurses got out of the cell, leaving Raven pounding hard against the metal door.

      "We are sorry for the misbehavior of the patient sir. Will put her on drugs if you permit it," the nurses said as they walk back towards the front desk.

      "I hope you wouldn't do such things and please be patient with her," Drake said calmly.

      "As you wish sir," the other nurse replied.

      Drake nod and left the hospital.

Raven was pounding and kicking the metal door as hard as she could. She was betrayed and she was furious about it.

       "Drake! You asshole!" she shouted then screamed in anger and pulled her hair.

       She flopped down the floor and cried. She felt angry, hurt and sad.

      The small wedge at the bottom of the metal door slid open taking Raven by surprise. She stopped crying and looked at the tray of food that was slid in and the wedge shut closed followed by clicking of the lock. She blinked.

      "Dinner time," the guard's voice said and he left, leaving the echoing of his footsteps fill her cell.

      She stared at it hard for a long one minute before nearing her food. Her stomach growled and she couldn't help herself but started eating with her bare hands.

      She heard a smirk coming from outside. She diverted her attention to metal door. Holding her breath she braced herself to see her sister, but nothing came.

      A cold gust of wind followed by a shrieking scream that filled the whole cell. Raven covered her ears, dropping her tray of food.

      "Stay away from me!" she yelled still covering her ears. Laughter followed and Rebecca appeared in front of her.

      "I told you, you could never escape me Raven," Rebecca said with an evil smile. "No matter how many times you would run or hide, I will always find you," she added as she slowly approached her.

     "Don't go near me," Raven said in a quivering voice as she started backing up and hit her back against the wall.

      Rebecca laughed and had her face close to Raven's. "Now that you're here, it would be so easy for me to torment you and she that you rot slowly," she said coldly and hissed.

      Raven screamed and Rebecca disappeared. The metal door slid open and the nurses rushed towards Raven who was white as a sheet and quivering.


Edith was doing dishes when she felt a gust of wind pass her. She made a firmer grip on the plate and continued washing them, aware of her presence.

      "I regretted dumping Drake though, would have been nice living with you guys," Rebecca said as she sat on the counter top.

      "I doubt that. Now would you kindly go down that counter top before it gets filthy," Edith said as she wiped the plate dry before putting it in the hanging cabinet.

     Rebecca smirked and went down the counter top, then suddenly charged Edith, slamming her back against the kitchen wall.

      "You may have saved your son, but you will never save him twice. You know who I am and what I am capable of Edith," she hissed through gritted teeth, her hand around Edith's neck. "One move from you and you'd be next in line," she added sharply before disappearing.

      Edith fell on her knees as she rubbed her neck and coughed. She'd rather die that let her son be taken from her ....


A/N: What could Rebecca mean when she said 'you will never save him twice'? What did Rebecca actually do? Why did Drake lie to Raven?

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Love El <3

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