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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzanne Collins.

"Katniss, honey, someone's at the door for you." Greasy Sae calls as she packs up her things to leave. I sit on the couch, watching Buttercup play with my mother's old balls of yarn. Surprised, I look up. No one I know would come to see me, they're all gone. And Haymitch is likely drunk in his house.
"Who is it?" I croak and then cough, clearing my throat out. I sounded horrible.
"A boy." Greasy Sae smiles at me as she leaves through the back door. I grumble as I get to my feet. She couldn't just tell me who was at the door, that was just to difficult for her.
I pull the door open. There, standing on my doorstep, is Peeta Mellark. The real Peeta. My Peeta. But he looks tired, as if he hasn't slept in weeks, and his hair is slightly ruffled, but in a cute way.
"Peeta?" I say but then engulf him in a hug, which he gives back as I rest my chin on his shoulder. I didn't expect myself to act like this, but I can't help it. I missed him.
I breathe in his sweet comforting scent, and close my eyes for a moment.
"Katniss." He mumbles. "Your crushing your present." I pull away. A present?
In his hands he holds a platter of- he remembered. Cheese buns are my favorite, and he remembers. I take the plate happily, and for a minute, we just stand there awkward.
What are you doing? I mentally facepalm. This is Peeta. Let him inside. Nothing needs to be awkward.
"Would you like to come in?" I ask and step aside, and he smiles, walking inside and pulling his jacket off. I glance out the door just before I close it, wondering if it was cold enough for him to be wearing a coat. I haven't been outside since the war ended, and now I see the last few autumn leaves drift to the ground.
Peeta has taken a seat at my table, and I sit down across, putting the plate in between us and helping myself to a cheese bun.
"So, how have you been?" Peeta asks, grabbing one as well. He knows that I've been doing bad, I can feel it, and I respond truthfully.
"Horrible. They're all gone, Peeta. Everyone that we love is gone." I say and put my face in my hands, pressing my palms into my cheek bones.
"Not everyone we love." He mutters quietly. I almost don't hear him, but I catch it, holding onto his words.
"What do you mean?" I ask and take my hand off of my face."Prim, Boggs, Finnick-"
"But I have you. You aren't gone yet." He says and looks into my grey eyes, and I stare into his blue ones, searching for a hint of a lie, but none comes. "I know that probably doesn't help, it's not like you love me-"
"You don't know that." I interrupt him, and a smile starts to grow on his face. We stay quiet for a moment, savoring the sweetness off the words we just said. Then finally, he breaks the silence.
"You love me, real or not real?" At his words my mind flashes back to us, sitting in our tents, playing this game with him, each taking turns. I remember crying the night of my turn, crying because I believed that Peeta was gone. This memory helps me to speak my heart.
"Real." I say, and he looks up at me, and he looks like the happiest boy in the world. When he looks away, he starts surveying my house, looking at the piles and everything that I've left scattered since Prim died.
"You've really gone down hill, Kat."He says and gets to his feet. My heart leaps with joy at the sound of a nickname for me flowing out of his mouth. "Tell ya what. You go take a shower, and I'll bring my stuff over here." He says. I had hoped he was going to move in, but I didn't feel like pressing my luck. I decide to tease him for the suggestion.
"Woah there Peeta. Lets not jump any bases now." I say and he laughs, starting towards the door.
"Go take a shower." He says and shuts the door. I walk up the stairs, smiling. I walk into the bathroom and start the shower and turn the bathroom fan on so the mirror doesn't fog up.
The warm water rushes down my back, sending chills up my spine. I feel my muscles starting to relax as I grab the shampoo bottle and squirt a glob into my hand.
I scrub it into my hair, thinking about Peeta. I can't believe he came, that he's moving in too. Now I massage conditioner into my formerly greasy and dirty hair. I'm happy that I'm starting over, and the shower has helped me to feel refreshed. I hope that my new start can help me to forget the past.

"Okay, so Katniss. Do you want me in the guest bedroom or...." He trails off, knowing I'm aware of the second option.
"You mine as well just stay in my room, you'll end up there anyways because of those stupid nightmares." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
We split the closet in half, and move the dresser from the other room down to mine.
Peeta also insists on cleaning the house, making it look cleaner. I decide that its for the best, my house was pretty filthy when he showed up. The dishes end up being our last thing to clean, since we both hate doing them.
"I have to wash all of my baking pans, so you should do it." Peeta says, sticking his tongue out at me. I tighten my ponytail.
"Which means you have more experience. You do it." I say, and he shakes his head.
"No way."
"Well I'm not doing it."
"Fine. How about we both do them?" Peeta says, and I groan, but take out two sponges. We begin, and I gotta say, Peeta made it more fun. He told me jokes and stories about when he was younger, and I laugh as I look out of the window in front of us. All of the leaves are on the ground, and I start to wonder what month it is.
"Peeta, what month is it?" I ask and he looks at the calendar.
"October." He says. I nod. Time has flown quickly since.... well. That.

I climb into bed later that night, and Peeta does as well, from the other side. I think about his words, how he loves me, and I love him back. I haven't done so much as hold his hand since then, and I recognize the ache inside of me, begging me to do something. I turn over and poke his back.
"Peeta." I whisper like a little kid poking their mother, and the thought makes me smile. Peeta turns over.
"I almost forgot." And then I lean forward, pressing my lips to his. I close my eyes and picture him doing the same as the sparks fly. It's a good kiss, the kind that makes you want more. He tastes like our peppermint toothpaste, and his lips are soft against my chapped ones. But he doesnt seem to mind. All too soon, I pull away.
"Goodnight." I turn the lamp off. I turn back over, and close my eyes. Not three seconds later, Peeta is poking my back with his finger.
"Katniss." I turn over.
"I can't sleep." He says and I can't help but laugh.
"We just got into bed ten seconds ago. Give it time." I turn back over, and shut my eyes once more, but I know his little cherade isn't over yet. And sure enough, he flops his arms heavily back onto the bed, one landing right on top of me. I put a pillow on my head, but don't move his arm.
"Peeta, go to sleep." I mumble from beneath the pillow.
"I can't!"
"Why not? You were doing fine earlier." I say and he groans.
"But then you kissed me, and it was one of the best ones yet, which woke me up. So really, this is all your fault." He says and I grin as my heart radiates with joy. So he felt it too.
"Peeta, go to sleep, or I'll kick you out of the bed." I say.
"No you won't."
"Watch me." And with that, I push him out of the bed, and he lands with a loud thump. He climbs back into bed, laughing.
"You made your point, I'll go to sleep." He says and I smile, turning away from him again.
"Sleep. Now."
"Yes ma'am."

Hey guys this is one of my first stories on my new account, so yay! Please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me! Stay cool and ship everlark,
- Skylar

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