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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzanne Collins, the best author of all time.

Peeta was gone at work, Jen was with Finnick, and I was bored. No one to talk to, no one to socialize with- even the TV was boring.
Finally, after flipping through a large series of channels, I was saved from boredom by the doorbell. I leapt up and ran for the door, anything for some company.
But when I opened it I found that it was just the doorman. I signed some papers for him, took a box, and shut the door in his face. I groaned when I looked at the time. There was still another half hour to kill before Peeta came home.
I figured, as long as I had all this time I mine as well open up this box.
Looking back, I almost wish I hadn't.
Inside was a notebook. It took me a moment to recognize it as Prim's handwriting. It was titled Goodbye Letters.
Then a memory comes to me, of Prim telling me that she had started writing letters in a notebook for people to read if she ever died. A tear sparkles in my eye as I take the notebook to the couch.
I open it and read the first letter.

Dear Katniss,

You may never get to read this. I certainly hope that you never have too. If you're reading this it means that I'm dead. I have plenty more of these for you to read, and some for mom. Make sure to show them to her- if she's alive as well.
Please don't be sad. If I know you, you're crying right now. I didn't write these letters to make you cry, I wrote them to make you remember me, your little duck.
Heaven is great. I know that while I'm writing this I'm not there, but I already know that it will be. I know that it is. As soon as I get there, I plan to become best friends with Rue, and reunite with dad. God, I miss him.
We all love you, Katniss. We don't want you to be sad. We want you to be happy, living your life to the fullest. If I'm dead, I want you to know that I'm watching over you, just like dad.
Take care of Buttercup for me,

I cried then. Harder than ever before. My little duck had written this letter just for me, urging me to be happy, not to dwell on her death. She had predicted this would happen before it ever did. I'm grateful for these letters, and I hug them close as I read them. The next one is for mom. I read it anyways.

Dear Mom,

If you're reading this right now, it means I'm dead, and I've passed on without you. I had a feeling that I would die soon, that's why I started to write these.
I know that you're sad, and I know that you and Katniss (if she's alive as well) have gone through a hard time. But, think on the positive side- I'm with dad now! He's protecting me and keeping me safe, just like he always did.
Help Katniss. She's gone through more than an teen will ever go through. Stop her from throwing her life out the window just because I'm dead, and you know she will. Guide her back to Peeta. Peeta can help her, I know he can. The two of them were meant for each other. I've never seen a better pair in my life.
I've written a letter to him as well, and it would mean so much if you would get that letter to him. It'll help, I promise.
Lots of love,

Tears were staining the paper, but I didn't care. It was only slightly harder to read smudged ink. Buttercup came up to me and leaped onto my lap as I rifled through the pages of the notebook for the letter to Peeta. Finally, I find it.

Dear Peeta,

I know that you didn't know me all that well. But I also know that you will understand why I'm writing to you.
If you're reading this right now, I'm dead. There it is, out in the open. I'm dead. I know you care, because you're kind, and if you're still hijacked, I hope you get better soon. But I doubt that you are. They just sent you off with Katniss, so you must be at least kind of better.
I need your help. Katniss will be going through a rough time right now, assuming that she's alive. If she's not, then I'm so sorry. I know that you loved her more than anything. But this letter is assuming that she is alive.
Help her. I don't care if you two are fighting or what, but help her. She needs you in her life, Peeta. Don't leave her.
Take care of my sister, she needs it the most.

I need it the most? Actually, I do. I sob my heart out until Peeta comes home. He finds me that way, sad and alone on the couch, crying and reading letters from my dead sister.
When he reads his, his eyes start to tear up as well and he takes me into his arms, pressing his face into my hair.
"I'm not going anywhere Katniss, I promise,"
"You promise?"
"I'll be here with you. Always."

Guys, I'm sorry. It's been hard lately to stay in the groove of this fanfic, I feel so pressured to update it. But that's okay. I think it's going to end soon though. I can promise a sequel to this book to you guys at least. But I've been working more and more on my Harry Potter fic. A lot of you don't know this, but Harry Potter will be one of main fandoms. Like the sun in my fandom solar system. And it will be like that always.
(that is also a Harry Potter thing too, in case you didn't know)

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