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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzanne Collins, the greatest author of all time.
Hey guys this is a special chapter, as it is not in Katniss's point of view. Instead it will be in Peeta's point of view, and maybe a few others, I haven't decided.

Peeta pov

I can feel her skin underneath my hands as I strangle the life out of Katniss. Her eyes close and she slumps to the floor.
Suddenly I'm not in my hijacked form, and I take in Katniss's form. She lies on the ground, not breathing.
What have I done?

The sirens seem to take hours to get here. When I finally hear them, the paramedics have already rushed in. One person grabs her shoulders and the other her feet.
"1...2...3." The guys holding her feet says, and on three they lift her up and onto the stretcher. They wheel her outside and I run after them, only to watch them drive away, lights flashing and sirens going off like crazy.
I run inside and call Finnick.
"Oh, yeah, now you call-"
"Finnick, not now. Listen, I just went into hijack form and I- I strangled Katniss. They just took her to the hospital. I need you to watch Jen,"
"Holy crap. Yeah, Annie and I will be right over." And then the line goes dead.
I sit down on the couch, my face in my hands. How could I strangle her? Again?
I'm a danger to her safety. If she lives, I need to guarantee her that I won't freak out like this again. I need to make sure she knows she's safe. I need to make sure I know that she's safe.
The front door bursts open and Finnick and Annie rush in, Annie holding little Fin's hand. Finnick comes up to me and looks into my eyes, grabbing my wrists.
"You okay?" He asks me. I nod. He releases my wrists. "Alright. Annie and I got Jen, you just get to the hospital."

I'm really not completely sure what I expected to happen when I got to the hospital. Maybe that I would get there to see Katniss, sitting up and okay? Like she magically got better over the trip to the hospital and now she was just sitting there waiting for me to take her home again?
Whatever I expected, it didn't happen, and I was totally caught off guard.
When I got there, I ran to the lady at the waiting room desk and said that I needed to see Katniss Everdeen. She was hard enough to pass by.
"Do you have a ID?"
"Ma'am, I don't work here,"
"I'm fully aware. Show me some proof that you are a citizen of District 12."
I pull out my drivers license and hand it over. She examines it.
"Are you Peter Mellark?"
"It's Peeta."
"Well, Peeta, it looks like you're old enough to get a job here."
"That's very interesting, but I don't want one."
"Oh, I think you do." She bats her eyelashes and wiggles her drawn in eyebrows at me.
"Nope. Now if you would just give me my drivers license and let me see my fiance-"
"Oh I saw your fiance. She's as good as dead."
A lump catches in my throat at the thought of Katniss, dead. I don't know if I would ever be able to function again. Then I feel the woman's fingers wrap around my upper arm.
"You're lying."
"Oh? Well, isn't your fiance the one with the braid? About yay tall?" She holds her arm at Katniss's exact height. "Let me tell you something. Your fiance? She'll be dead by morning, if she isn't already. I think you should move on to... other people." Her grip tightens on my arm and I yank away from her.
"Listen lady-"
"Mr. Mellark?" A voice calls me. I look up to see a doctor standing there with a clipboard in his hands.
"That's me."
"Yes. Would you like to see your fiance?"
"Yes please. Is she alright?"
And either the doctor doesn't hear me or he doesn't know how to answer my question, because he stays silent. None the less, I follow him through the doors to see Katniss.

Hey! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm really sorry if it isn't good, sometimes it's just hard for me to stick with the flow of my stories.
Thanks for reading!

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