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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzzane Collins, they greatest author of all time.
This chapter is dedicated to Domdancer for all of the amazing comments that she leaves under my posts. PLEASE follow her!

The sky, dark and starry, was beautiful outside of my window. Peeta lay on my bed beside of me, clutching my hand and rubbing small circles into my hand as a tear drips down from my cheek onto the bed cloth. Peeta wipes it away with his free hand.
"You didn't do anything wrong, Katniss," Peeta says, brushing my hair from my face and sitting up so he was seated in front of me. "There was nothing you could have done."
"But why did this have to happen?" I ask, and the tears turn to a steady stream, and my shoulders shake as the crying gets harder and more violent. "What did she ever do to deserve this?"
"Katniss, you know very well that she didn't do anything. Sometimes bad things happen to good people." Peeta says, trying to talk some sense into me.
"More like bad things happen to only good people," I say. "All that ever happens to the bad people is they go to prison,"
"Not true. Snow didn't go to prison," Peeta says and I wince at the sound of that evil man's name. Snow.
I stay quiet for once, not willing to argue about this like I usually am. This isn't about Snow, or bad and good people. This is about my mother, getting kidnapped even when she thought that she was safe. Even when I thought she was safe.
The door opens, and in comes Brent and the police officer. Their panting like they just ran a mile, and they bring a struggling man in.
I sit up straighter at the sight of him and grip Peeta's hand harder than I was before.
"Miss Everdeen, is this the man who broke into your house?" One of the other police officers asks. He has a darker skin town and a bald head. I study the struggling man. The same hand that threw me into a table are trying to wrestle out of the grip of the police, and the same face snarls at me just like it did then.
I nod.
"Alright, let's go. You're under arrest," The other guys says, and they cart him out of the room. He yells something back at me, but I don't catch it. I'm sure it wasn't very pleasant.
The police officer and Brent start to leave, but I stop them.
"Wait! What about my mother?" I ask, and they turn around in the doorway.
"She's fine. Taking a train home, actually. I'm sorry, but District 12 isn't safe for her right now," Brent says. "Perhaps in the future, rather than inviting her here, you should go see her." And with a swish of his cloak, Brent and the other man are gone.
"See Katniss? I told you everything was going to be okay,"
"I just want to get out of this dang hospital,"

I did get out of the hospital. On Monday. They gave me fast acting medicine for my head, but it was supposed to make me delusional for a few hours. Peeta took a video of it. I was.... stupid.
I said things like "I want a pony on our chandelier," and "Woah! Peeta! Did you grow a beard on your arms??" and "No, I'm not a purple giraffe."
Eventually, by the time I was coming out of my daze, Gale came over and we all ad lunch, laughing at the video of how stupid I had been.

I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, but I've already typed a lot under my other stories, the Harry Potter ones. again please follow Domdancer !!
Peace out,

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