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I just want to tell you guys that I'm majorly excited for the new year and all of the new possibilities that it brings. I spent New Years at a friends house, and while I love being with my best friend, it also made me kind of sad when the ball dropped and I wasn't with my family. So, I'm going to change the chapter that I was supposed to post today, (it was a Hayffie wedding chapter) and write a more family themed chapter instead. It was great spending time with my best friend, but being away from my parents and my family makes me want to write something that shows how truly important you family is.
But anyway guys, Happy New Year! I hope your new year was amazing and you loved every second of it. If you read this, thank you so much, and you can tell me in the comments that you read it, and I'll make sure to dedicate one of my next chapters to you.
Love you all,

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