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These characters, as well as their original story, belong completely to Suzanne Collins, the best author of all time.

Buttercup hisses from the backseat as we go over yet another bump. Peeta tightens his grip on the steering wheel and I clench my teeth, wrapping my fingers on the sides of my seat. The uneven road rocks our car back and forth, knocking the suitcase around.
"Stupid District 5 roads..." Peeta mutters, and my head slams into the window when we hit another hole in the road.
"Crap Katniss are you okay?" Peeta asks, tearing his eyes away to look at me.
"Yeah I'm fine... just keep your eyes on the road."
Eventually the road smoothes out because we've entered the beautiful District 4. A sparkling sea is seen on the left hand side, and on my side their is beautiful palm trees and homes.
But ahead, there was a clearing of tall grass and a single train track. Crushing some of the grass is a black and red train. Various train parts are scattered in the grass, and people are hard at work, cranes and machinery trying to move it.
"They've already taken the people to the hospital." Peeta says, and I nod at him.
"I know. But I want to go see. Park here, I'll be right back." I get out of the car and run into the tall grass.
The train looks even larger up close. People yell at each other everywhere. I go to walk farther, but I step on something hard, and it glints in the sun. I bend down and pick it up.
It's a golden number nine.

The District 4 hospital sits, beautiful gardens blooming around it, Palm trees shading the windows.
The lady who works inside however, is nowhere near as pleasant as the decorations.
"Can I please just see my mother." I say for about the millionth time. Peeta puts his face in his hands and does a huge sigh. She scowls at me with crooked teeth, and the wart on her upper lip rises as she does so.
"I told you, the patients have waiting lists. You can't just go in, you have to schedule it." She sneers.
"My mom wouldn't have a waiting list because she's from another District! I'm the only one who would have come the day after the incident!" I practically yell at her. She looks shocked, and her bug eyes pop put at me.
"I'll pull up her name, and we will see if she has a waiting list." and about a minute later, I'm walking into my mother's hospital room.
I clutch the number nine in my sweaty hands. I don't know why I kept it. But I dont release my grip on it, holding it tightly. I look to the bed and see her, my mother.
She breathes deeply and slowly. Her lips are shut and cracked from lack of water I suppose. Large gashes are bandaged with white cotton bandages, and she has some wrapped around her head.
She doesn't look as bad as she could, I suppose. But my eyes fill with tears slightly, and I push them away, reminding myself that she's okay, that she's here.
The doctor comes in then, and he carries a clipboard and a pencil. He scratches a few notes down, and looks up at me kindly.
"Are you her daughter?" He asks, sitting down in one of those rolly doctor chairs.
"Yes, I am."
"I dont believe I've seen any of you here before, and District 4 is a small place." He says.
"We're from another District. District 12." I tell him. Something sparks behind his eyes.
"You're the Mockingjay." He whispers, and he smiles at me. "Its an honor, Miss Everdeen and Mr. Mellark." Peeta smiles kindly at him as we always do when this sort of thing happens. The doctors eyes fall down to my growing stomach, but doesn't comment and my apparent child.
"Thank you. Now can you tell me what's wrong with my mother?" I ask as politely as a demanding person could, and he smiles grimly.
"I am afraid she's in a coma as of right now." He says, and my fingers tighten around the gold number.
"When will she come back to us?" I ask him, worry and sadness written on every part of my face.
He presses his lips together. "Its not when she comes back, it's if she comes back." And with that he walks from the room, his words hanging in the air like a death sentence.
I sink to a sitting position in one of the bedside chairs, and my bag drops the floor. Tears rolls down my face, and Peeta puts his hands on my shoulder. Buttercup pokes his face from the bag, sees my crying, and leaps into my lap, curling to a ball. He presses his head against me as I cry harder.

Eventually the waterworks stop, and Buttercup wanders off to play with some lint he found under the hospital bed. Peeta walks downstairs to wait for Finnick and Annie, who said they were coming.
The nine is still in my hands.
I glare down at it, hating every last bit of it. I throw it at the wall, where it makes a small dent and a chip in the paint.
"Why does everything happen to us! Why not everyone else?" I yell out in frustration.
"Bad things always happen to the best of people." Annie's small voice says from the doorway. She walks in and gives me a hug. She smells like lavender soap and I inhale deeply.
Finnick gives me a hug as well, and he smells of mint and the sea. Nothing like Peeta does.
"Stay strong, girl on fire." He whispers to me, and then he pulls away, breaking our hug. I sink into a chair, exhausted, and Peeta sits in one next to mine.
Finnick looks over at the nine and the dent in the wall.
"Remember those days, back in District 13, when you came to see me when you missed Peeta?" I nod my head.
"Remember the rope?"
He pulls out a length of rope, the same as the older ones.
"Thank you." I say to him and I tie a knot. Then untie it. And I go on and on, as the night darkens and people fall asleep.

Hey! This story is really hard to understand if you've never read the hunger games, so I would recommend reading that first. Please vote and comment feedback as always.

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