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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzanne Collins, one of the best authors of all time.

I don't know if they come to look for me, probably not. Peeta and stupid Lacie probably went back to kissing in the baking room. Maybe their even throwing flour at each other like Peeta and I did.
I cry for hours, and eventually, I'm all cried out and it's gotten late. The old house is scary and creaks a lot, so I get up, my eyes red and puffy, and exit the house. As I pass by my house, I see that the lights are on. Maybe Peeta is up there with Lacie, laughing about how stupid I must have looked.
When I enter town, it's brightly lit, and the streets are close to empty. I look down at the sidewalk, looking at the small weeds and grasses that managed to squeeze through the cement.
Then, I notice a bright yellow dandelion, bright under the light of the street lamps.
I stomp on it hard with my foot, another tear dripping down my face as I look down at it, the petals withered and crumpled.
A man about my age bumps into me, and I fall to the ground, landing hard on my butt. I'm about to yell at him, when he turns around, pulling his hood off and helping me to my feet.
"Im so sorry miss I didn't see you-" he says, and I stand, smiling at him. At least he apologized.
"It's okay." I say and he studies my face, my red eyes, the tear tracks on my face, my sad, chapped lips.
"Are you alright?" He asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. Now, this may seem strange, but the people in District 12 are some of the kindest people you could ever meet and it's such a small town, everyone seems to know everyone.
"I will be." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"Wait a minute- you're the Mockingjay!" He says, and I grin half-heartedly.
"Sure am." I say and he looks so happy.
"I've always wanted to ask- are you and the other boy, Peeta, together? It was a constant debate when the capitol was still in power." He asks, and my heart breaks at his words.
"We were. That's actually why I'm out here so late." I say actually and he nods sympatheticly.
"If you need a place to crash you're welcome to stay at my place. I'm Eric by the way." He says, thrusting his hand forward. I shake it gingerly, pleased at his kindness. His hands are rough and caloused, but strong and make me feel safe.

Eric own a small apartment, two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, and a living room with a conjoined dining room. I take the couch, and he gives me a lot of blankets, saying that his apartment is very cold at night.
He shuffles back to his bedroom after saying I'm welcome to the tv, and so I turn it on. Right before I start my usual channel surfing, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.
It's a text message from Peeta. I only see the first few words of his first text before I click on the button labeled- Block This Number.
I fall asleep watching some British guy making cupcakes.

The next morning, I feel numb. I've seen a diagram on the stages of grief, and I'm sure this is like number four or something. The one I saw had a lot of stages. I stretch, glancing at the tv. I don't want to go back to my house right now, and I might not ever. So, I thank Eric for his kindness and give him my phone number so we can stay in touch.
I see the small District 12 hotel, and check myself in. I put the key in my bag and go to the store, buying enough clothes to last me until I find somewhere new to live.
I walk with an armful of clothes, and I pass by a small sample stand.
"Excuse me ma'am, would you like to try some cupcakes? They're fresh baked and warm." He says, and I turn towards him, looking at the treat.
My eyes well with tears at the sight of it. I rush out of the store without even paying for the clothes, dropping them onto the tile floor.
I don't think I can live like this anymore. I feel a strong emptiness in my heart, and it makes me as a whole ache, the numbness I felt this morning now long gone. I almost miss it, the feeling of nothing. I walk in the rain on the sidewalk, occasionally bumping into people, keeping my head down, watching my footsteps.I look up and see the bakery, and peer in the window.
Sitting at a table with his head in his hands is none other than Peeta. Lacie sits beside him, talking in a low tone. It makes me sad, and I'm about to turn away when he looks up and sees my face, my soaked and dripping hair. My shuddering and cold body. He jumps up and runs out the door before I can move away.
"Katniss! Oh my god! Oh my god! You're here! Thank god." He says, and pulls me into an embrace I didn't expect. His warm touch makes me feel at home again, but I force myself to stay alert. Anything could happen at this point. Then I feel him start to sob.
"Peeta..." my voice croaks, and it shows me how broken I must sound.
"Katniss. I thought you weren't going to come back! You didn't come home and I cried, and I called you, I looked for you and I couldn't find you! I was so worried- Katniss I'm so sorry. It was all Lacie, I swear. I didn't know it would happen, I'm so sorry and-" he says barely breathing the whole time. For a moment, I watch him speak, his mouth forming the words, the clesr, delicate water droplets on his face. His innocent, clear, loving blue eyes.
"Peeta! Breathe!" I say to him, gripping his shoulders. He looks just as bad as I do. His blonde hair is now plastered to his face from the rain, and our clothes are soaked. "Its okay. I forgive you. It'll be alright, and I'm sorry for running off like that."
I lean in, and press our lips together. I expect it to taste like another girl, as if nothing had happened since Lacie. But instead, it's mint, and the salty taste of tears, and I cant tell if it's his or my own. We pull apart.
"Can-" he starts but then he stops. "I just want to go home for the day." He says almost to himself and I nod.
"Then let's go home." And we start down the old dirt road towards the victors village. The flowers show up more, and it seems to look brighter by the passing moment. My feet hit the hard packed ground, occasionally stepping on small hard rocks, but I ignore it.
"It stopped raining." Peeta says, gesturing up to the sky. I look up myself.
"I guess it did."

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