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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzanne Collins, the greatest author of all time.

The New Year was approaching, and Peeta and I hurried to make the last minute adjustments before the guests arrived for the New Years party. Well, more like I was hurrying to finish everything up. Peeta was sitting on the couch, watching the Annual New Years party at the Capitol.
"Peeta! Can you adjust those streamers? Their drooping." I point over to the streamers hung near our window, and Peeta heaved a big sigh before getting up.
"Is it that hard to fix some streamers?" I ask him, rolling my eyes.
"Yes! I'm missing my favorite singer, Helen Gould!" He exclaimed, quickly fixing the streamers and plopping back down. I raise my eyes and look at Helen, baring her midriff on the screen.
"You just think she's hot," I respond skeptically as Helen flips her long blonde hair over her shoulder and shakes her butt. Peeta notices my skepticism and walks over to my, looking into my eyes.
"She's not my type," He says, fingering my long braid and grinning. "I like girls who have long brown hair in a braid, and grey eyes. I like girls who can rock the pregnant look," he nods to my stomach. "And girls who can hunt. That's pretty hot right there, don't you think?"
I grin at him and push him away playfully at the sound of the doorbell ringing. I walk over to it and he follows, his arms encircling my waist.
I open the door wide to great Gale and a good looking red head who reminds me painfully of Foxface. I smile.
"Gale! Who's this?"
"This is my girlfriend, Carmen," Carmen extends a hand to me.
"Nice to meet you, Katniss," I'm shocked at first that she already knows my name, but then I remember. She must know about me. I killed the Capitol. I smile warmly at her.
"Nice to meet you too," I shake her hand. Peeta and Gale start talking, and I decide to get to know her.
"So," I say and she looks up at me. "Are you from District 12? I haven't seen you around here..."
"Oh, no. I'm actually from District 11. I worked in the fields with that little girl, Rue. Everyone loved what you did for her. And the speech that you gave to us, it was truly beautiful," I smile sadly at her kindness and the memory of little Rue.
"Is her family alright? Did they survive the war?"
"Yes, me and my family kept them safe while you were in the Capitol. But..." Her voice falters. "Her mother is worried. Rue's little sister, Daisy, has gotten sick. We didn't know how to help her. I heard word on the street that your mother was an expert healer, and so was your sister. I came to see if they would help us, and I met Gale here," She gestures to him with a fond look. Then her expression turns sad. "He told me that your sister is dead. That it was his fault. Is... is that true?"
My eyes start to well up at the memory. All of those kids there, hurt and injured. People rushing to help. A girl that looks horribly familiar, with the back of her blouse untucked like a small ducks tail. Yelling Prim's name as a second explosion hits, killing my sister. Seeing Gale's guilty expression, sad and sorry expression, days later.
I brush away a single tear. "He... he didn't mean to, it was an accident, I know that. But- yes. She's dead," Carmen comes forwars and gives me a hug. She smells like apples and cinnamon and a tint of something minty. Toothpaste.
"I'm sorry, it was stupid of me to bring it up," She says, pulling away from me.
"No, it's fine,"
"Is... do you think there is any chance your mother could help me? With Rue's sister, that is?"
"Of course. She will be happy to help. I'm not exactly sure when she's coming, but she'll be here soon," I say. "I'll make sure to steer her in your direction once she arrives,"
"Thank you so much. I'd better get back to Gale..." She wanders off to find him, and I look around the room in surprise to find that more guests have filtered in since we've been talking and the house was nearly full.
"Katniss!" Someone hollers and I turn to find Finnick and Annie standing there.
"God, Finnick, did you need to yell?" I say, and Annie playfully smacks his arm.
"Yeah, Fin, shut up," She says and I laugh. Finnick rolls his eyes with a grin.
"Katniss, I have an idea for a game," He says, looking at me seriously. But he can't hold the grin from appearing onto his face for long.
"Alright. What's the game?"
"I'll show you," He pulls out a bagful of sugar cubes and backs up. "PEETA GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OVER HERE!" He screams and Peeta jogs over, laughing.
"We're going to play a game. Wanna play?"
"Sure. How do we play?"
Finnick nods at me. "If I can get five sugar cubes in her mouth, she has to do any dare I say. If you get five, she has to do any dare you say." He looks at me.
"Okay. How many throws do we get?"
"Seven. Katniss, open your mouth," he says and I open it wide. He grins and throws.
"Miss," Peeta says. He throws again and it lands in my mouth and the taste of sugar explodes across my tongue. I grin at him.
In the end I have to do a dare for both of them. Finnick dares me to run and steal Haymitch's beer.
I run up quickly and snatch it from his hand.
"Sorry Haymitch!" I holler and then run away with it in my hand. Haymitch yells something I don't catch and chases me.
"KATNISS I'M GOING TO TEAR OUT YOUR HAIR AND FEED IT TO YOU IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME MY DRINK BACK!" He hollers out as he runs after me. I quickly tackle Finnick and hold the drink threateningly over his head.
"One more step and Seaweed Man gets it," I say, tipping it slightly.
"No! Don't do it! You completed the dare okay? You did it, you win!" I smile and release my hold on Finnick, handing Haymitch his drink back.
"That's what I thought."

"5...4....3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The room explodes as the ball drops. Peeta grabs onto my face and kisses me full on the mouth, and I catch Finnick and Annie doing the same out of the corner of my eye.
"Happy New Year, Peeta,"
"Happy New Year, Katniss,"

Okay guys I know this is a day late, or at least it is where I am. But anyways, Happy New Year, I hope your guyses celebration was awesome. I know I haven't been posting as much lately, and I'm really sorry I just have been really busy lately. But I should be on more. If you're looking for more fanfiction to read, please check out some of my other stories that I have going on right now.

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