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Months had passed. They all seemed to fly by without me noticing, and soon it was the big day.
No, not my wedding, that's not for another month. I'm talking about the day of Haymitch and Effie's wedding. For the past week, Peeta hadn't even called them by their names.
"When to people are in love," Peeta had said. "It only makes sense that we stop calling them by their normal names and call them by their ship name, Hayffie."
"That is so utterly stupid," Haymitch said, hitting Peeta on the arm.
"Is not!" Peeta responded indignantly "Fanboys such as myself created that name and it's amazing,"
"You're ridiculous," Effie responded, but I just laughed.
It was my job as well as Annie and Johanna's to make Effie look nice for her wedding. I was set on hair duty, and Annie and Johanna worked on the rest.
Effie's dress was pearly white, and with a sick feeling in my stomach I realise that it is exactly the same color of President Snow's white rose. I scrunch my nose and turn away, but Johanna notices my grimace.
"What, you don't like it?"
"No, I love it,"
"Then why did you scrunch your nose in disgust like that?"
"Because it's the same color as Snow's roses that he sent me," Johanna's angry glare softened to a sympathetic kind of look.
"Oh, that's more reasonable,"
The seconds ticked away faster as they worked on Effie. She kept her eyes closed through most of the process, opening them only for mascara and insisting that they weren't near a mirror.
"I like to see it all at the end, it's more enjoyable," She said, and I think about doing this in the future.
Effie's hair is swept elegantly up her head in a twist up do. It twists and turns in tight spirals on the back of her head. It's hard to see where it starts and ends, I had them hid too well. Small sparkly diamonds were clipped into different sections of her hair, which was died in a faint purple hombre. It was an improvement from her past bright cotton candy colors and frizzy hair.
"Purple?" Johanna asked, glancing at the hombre. Katniss nodded and she picked out a light purple eye shadow.
"Oh, Katniss, her hair is beautiful!" Annie exclaims, squealing over the do in Effie's hair. "Isn't it, Johanna?"
"Mmhmm, real nice," She said, not even looking up from Effie's face. Effie surprised by speaking for the first time in hours.
"This is really nice of you Johanna," She murmured, her eyes still closed. "You've never struck me as the 'help girls get ready for weddings' type," I glanced at Johanna, curious as well, because, let's face it. She wasn't. Not that I was either, only for certain people. I expect her to shrug, but she surprises me as well.
"Hey, you kept her alive for me. Or, you at least helped. I wasn't her friend then, but I still had hope in her, and you kept her alive. Thank you," and I swear I almost cried. Not because it was the nicest thing that I had ever heard or anything, but coming from Johanna it was like telling someone that you love them more than you love yourself. I think it might have been the nicest thing she's ever said to anyone. Or about anyone.
"Oh, Johanna!" I said, and she tried not to smile, but couldn't.
"Don't get cocky, Katniss," she said, turning back to her work. I pretended not to, but on the inside I was glowing with joy. [also, has anyone seen Joy? I don't know if it came out, but I'm so proud of Jennifer for making another successful movie. Yay!]

"You may now kiss the bride,"
They didn't really kiss, just more of a small peck. I had a feeling that it was because they weren't eager to go doing that in front of an audience. Heaven knows I wasn't. I'd had enough of that the past, what, three years? One of the reasons why I didn't want to be married was this very reason- kissing with an audience.
Yes, I know, I did at the Christmas and New Years party, and on camera, and on TV. But somehow this was different.
A good person would've run up to the happy pair afterwards, yelling congratulations and all of that, giving their wedding presents, and completely ignoring the appetising food sitting at the large banquet tables.
I'm not a good person.
I shot straight for the food, heaven knows I was hungry. And believe me, if anyone knows hungry, it's me. I started loading my plate up, chicken leg after chicken leg, grapes, stuffing, ribs, anything I could fit on their, and started heading back to my table. But then, I spotted a bowl of pure awesomeness.
It was my favorite soup from before. I snatched up a bowl of it, and then balanced my food over to a table, where Peeta was already sitting, amused. I set all of the food down and sat beside him.
"Is some of this for me?" He picks up a leg.
"No." I take the chicken leg from him and take a bit out of it. He laughs. "You shoulda got your own,"
"PLEASE," He says, loud enough for the Capitol to hear. I wince.
"Fine," I push some soup at him and he starts eating. "Need I remind you that I'm feeding two people?" I pat my stomach.
"Oh, yeah, how is our little girl?" He asks, glancing down. The passing months from Christmas to the wedding has made me even bigger than before, and in a few weeks, I'm due for the hospital. And by a few I mean two.
"Good. But, we need to clarify her name real quick. We decided on Rose right?"
He nods. "And Marie for the middle name,"
"She'll be beautiful," I say, looking down fondly at the lump that it my stomach. Peeta takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.
"Just like her mom."

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