His Nickname For You

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Alby: Bunny. You had an infinite source of energy and Alby has somehow produced this nickname as a result. It wasn't something he called you around others; it was more of a nickname you kept to yourselves.

Gally: Tough stuff. Gally wasn't the best with nicknames, but this one apparently derived from the fact that you liked to constantly remind the other Gladers that you were just as tough- if not tougher- than they were, despite being the only girl in the Glade.

Minho: Slintette. After an ongoing battle with Minho, you'd formed your own rule, stating that he wasn't allowed to call you 'slinthead'. He'd found his own way around this, of course.

Newt: Love. It was such a small word, but it held so much meaning to the two of you. Not to mention the way his accent made it sound forty times more romantic.

Thomas: Sweetie. You weren't quite sure where it had originated from, but it was something he'd always called you.

A/N: Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed. If you like this kind of thing, check out my imagines as well :)

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