He Gets Drunk

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When Gally gets drunk, he gets clumsy

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When Gally gets drunk, he gets clumsy. Even more so than usual. In fact, just tonight, you'd counted four times that he'd tripped over and fallen on his face.

"Heyyyyy, Y/N," he slurred, walking over to you, tripping over his own feet and falling into the grass.

"Whoops," you heard, from somewhere in the dirt. "How did that happen?"

With a lot of effort, a couple more falls, and some laughter from elsewhere in the Glade, you managed to help him back to his feet.

"Thanks, Y/N," he muttered. "You're the best," he said, before wandering off to talk to Winston, somehow tripping over Minho and falling on top of Frypan.

It was going to be a long night.


Minho liked to start fights

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Minho liked to start fights. Not physically, of course, but he loved to start drama. It often started with the simplest of insults, rapidly transforming into full-blown scathing attacks. In hindsight, anyone involved knew he meant none of it, and very little of what he said was even true, but it was always said so intensely that sometimes that was hard to keep in mind.

"Hey, Gally," he smirked, walking towards the Keeper of the Builders. 

"Yes, Minho?"

"You're freakishly tall."

"Thank you, Minho. I'm glad you noticed that."

"Like, freakishly tall. Unnaturally so. You probably have a genetic defect."

"Where is this going, Minho?"

"In fact, that would explain why you're so angry all the time. I would be angry if I was your size. After all, nobody would ever see eye to eye with you."

"Go away, Minho." Gally was getting increasingly fed up.

"But, if you keep growing, we'll be able to see the way out of here!"

"Slim it, you slinthead."

"Our own personal periscope," Minho considered, with a raise of his eyebrows.

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