The Time of Day He Reserves For You

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Alby: Early morning. You have about half an hour from the time you wake up until you have to leave to run the maze. It's before most of the glade has woken up and the only time you get to spend with Alby uninterrupted.

Gally: You get little moments with Gally throughout your day. Although you are a builder and get to spend a lot of time with him each day, you insisted early on that Gally remain professional, or he'd lose respect as the Keeper. Of course, Gally still found his little ways to get around this, staring at you until you noticed and stared back, or whispering things into your ear as he walked past.

Minho: Since you liked to sleep in and Minho had to leave early to run the maze, the only time you had to spend together was in the evening after the others had gone to bed. You'd sit together up in the lookout and share stories about your day. More often than not, this ended in you falling asleep in his arms, and him having to carry you back to your bed, ensuring you'd get a good night's sleep.

Newt: No matter how busy or exhausted you were, you would always make time to have lunch together. If it was a quiet day in the fields, he'd swing by the medhouse early and help out until you could take a break, or vice versa if it was a slow day for you. You'd grab your food and sit apart from the others, sneaking in a few quick kisses when you could escape their gaze.

Thomas: Since you were the next greenie to arrive after Thomas, he had the job of showing you around for the first few days. After that, he was in the maze most of the day, which left you with the early morning to say goodbye. You'd make sure to get up especially early in order to see him off. You'd heard what kind of trouble he'd gotten into in the maze before, so you needed to tell him how much he meant to you before he left each day, knowing that each time you said "goodbye" could be the last.

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