He Pranks You

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A/N: Continued from the previous chapter.

You had to admit it; he got you back pretty well. While you were out running the maze, the new Greenie arrived, and Gally seized the opportunity. The new guy had barely said a word since arriving. He was incredibly shy and overwhelmed by the whole situation, as was expected, so nobody had managed to have a decent conversation with him yet.
They had, however, managed to work out that his name was Douglas.

Unfortunate, this wasn't what Gally told you.

Gally told you the new kid's name was Elizabeth.

You'd laughed at first, but Gally assured you it was true. Weird, bit true. You didn't want to offend the new Greenie, especially not on his first day, so you called him Elizabeth.

You called him Elizabeth for a whole week. Only then did the boy finally pipe up and ask why you called him that when his name was Douglas. You'd never been so mortified in your life.

You'd been fretting for weeks over what Minho's revenge could be. You'd imagined a thousand different possibilities and managed to keep on your toes the whole time.

However, there was no way you could have seen this one coming. Not in a million years.

Minho had made a Griever costume. A large, lifelike Griever costume. He'd climbed inside and entered the maze a little earlier that day, just so he could scare you.

And it worked.

You rounded the final corner before you had to turn around and come back, and ran straight into a hunk of metal and legs. You screamed and ran as fast as you could in the other direction. It wasn't until the "Griever" yelled the phrase "Never mess with my hair again" did you even suspect it could be a fake. Minho had gotten revenge for you playing with his worst fear by playing with yours.

In all honesty, you had to admire the effort that went into it, and the costume was a big hit in your favourite game of "Annoy Alby", and soon everybody wanted a turn in the suit.

Considering your prank on Newt had been fairly tame, his response was a little more than you'd expected from him.

Newt had hidden your bed.

Yes, hidden it. You walked into the Homestead, approached your usual spot, only to find that your bed roll was no longer there. Instead, a small note lay in its place with one, simple word written on it:


You knew who the culprit was. In fact, he was already climbing into his own bed, trying to hide the growing smirk on his face that had appeared since seeing your confusion.

You weren't even angry. You knew how to get him back immediately.

You walked over to his bed and climbed in, hugging him from behind.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" he laughed, unable to hide his involvement in the prank now.

"My bed roll has mysteriously disappeared," you explained. "You don't mind if we share to night, do you, Newter Scooter?"

He hated that nickname and you knew it, but for some reason, tonight you were on his good side.

"Fine," he said. "But if you snore you have to sleep in Gally's bed."

"I think I'd rather sleep in the maze."

You both sniggered, but were quickly cut off by an angry, raspy voice from further down the room.

"I heard that!"

"Oops," Newt whispered.

You both giggled again, and you knew it would be impossible to fall asleep that night.

Thomas and Chuck had been plotting the revenge plan for a few days now, and you were beginning to believe it would never happen.

Unfortunately, you were wrong.

One morning, you became aware of hushed voices around your hammock. But it took you too long to respond. Before you could yell out, your mattress flipped and you landed on the ground.

But the ground beneath your hammock had been strategically watered overnight, so that when you fell, you landed face first in thick mud. Wonderful.

You'd just managed to push your face up out of the mud before you felt hands grabbing your wrists and ankles. You called out in protest, but stopped when you were dropped again.

Into a pile of feathers. Feathers.

Thomas and Chuck had plucked the chickens, just so that they could see this moment now.

And apparently it was a success.

Chuck was doubled over, barely able to breathe as he was laughing so hard. Thomas was in a similar state of hysteria, so you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around him in a warm hug.

If you were going to be covered in mud and chicken feathers, so was he.

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