Chapter 2;Dean

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Who was that girl , while we were driving to our motel we passed the girl that was loitering by my baby walking down the sidewalk turning into the park where the body was found. She looked so familiar but I cant figure it out from where, though. It was killing me trying to figure it out that Sam had to yell at me to go when the street light was green.

"Are you ok?" he asked.  I stared at him in surprise

"Yeah, I'm fine, quit asking," he looked stunned for a millisecond then returned to himself.

We arrived at the motel. And Sam immediately tapped into the security cameras to see if anything we can see came in and or out of the park during the time of the murder. When he pulled it up the girl was on just sitting on a park bench.

"Wait" I said. Sam stopped in his tracks and sat with his hand over the key board. He looked at the girl and chuckled.

"Isn't that that girl u were flirting with earlier. Wow, going for the younger ones. You know that's illegal."

"Shut up," I punched him. "No I have a feeling about this girl"

"What kind of feeling?" Still in his playful tone. I gave him a killing look.

"I mean it. There is something about this girl that's familiarly miss trusting."

"Okay..." And he looked her up in facial recognition. Her name came up Natali White with a picture next to her name that looked just like her. "Woe, she has been arrested for picking fights that she says that she didn't start. She is fifteen. And her mother is Maria White, no known father." He talked on all about her but I stopped listening when I saw Maria. Her black hair and kind face and midnight blue eyes. I pushed him out of the way and clicked on Maria. It listed where she lived and her parent lived. I got up, took my keys and went to the listed address.

"Where are you going?" I heard after me when I exited the room

                  *               *               *

       I rang the door bell, for a few minutes I heard rustling and "one moment" shouted from the other side. A woman came to the door. Just as beautiful as I left her.

She stood there in stunned silence then finally speaking in a brisk manner "What are you doing here?"

"I'm on a job"

She stared at me for a few moments then slammed the door. "I saw her today" knowing that she would understand. The door flew open and she appeared.

"Stay away from my daughter!"

"She's mine too."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I know you."

She didn't say anything but "Stay away from her." And closed the door.

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