Chapter 1: New Assignment

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"Pookie wake up, wake up." Sean leans over and kisses my lips and most likely gets a good whiff of my morning breath. I smile and open my eyes to search for Kota. His side of the bed is empty, but just as soon as I notice his absence he comes in through the doorway with a tray of breakfast.

"Sang sweetie, do you know what day it is?" He asks as he sets the tray down on my lap and gives me a peck on the lips.

"My birthday!!!" I shout excitedly.

"Finally twenty-one. How does it feel?" Sean asks.

"Same as twenty." I say with a giggle. Sean gives me another kiss and my giggles immediately cease. You'd think by this age my giggles would be completely gone, but I can't help it when my two guys are so cute it makes me laugh like that.

After unwrapping my gifts, a bracelet from Kota and a matching necklace from Sean, we get ready to head into the office.


FBI Headquarters

Chief Roberts is going over our next assignment and I'm falling asleep listening to him. We usually get higher priority cases, but this one seems like something the LAPD would handle.

He continues on, "We've been tracking this group all across the country for the past three years. Thirty banks they've hit."

"Sir, do we really need to deal with bank robberies? Aren't there higher priority cases that need handling?" Kota asks exactly what I was thinking earlier.

"Dakota, they may have started off as simple bank robberies," he pauses as he flips on the security footage.

The video is surprisingly clear, not one of the grainy security videos. I see five guys wearing suits and white masks. Not like Halloween Michael masks, but just blank white faces. Expressionless and meaningful at the same time and the eyes are hollowed out, covered with thin black netting to allow the criminals to see through them. When they charge the bank, yelling for everyone to get down, their voices are distorted, mechanical even. Like they are speaking through some sort of machine.

I can't even tell how many are in the gang. Four, five? I lost track as one or two ran back outside. The one with a dress shirt unbuttoned all the way under his suit jacket looks like a safe cracker. He opened the bank's vault in less than two minutes. The leader looks like the one wearing a red tie. Every step he makes is planned and perfect.

The entire raid lasts only five minutes and twenty seconds. The criminals are out the door and into the waiting cars in no time at all.

Chief Roberts flips the footage off and asks, "Now what do you think?"

Sean is the first to speak up, "What kind of creepy masks were those? Haven't they ever heard of balaclavas? Even dressing up as old nuns would have been more appropriate."

"Yeah, why couldn't they use President masks like all the other criminals?" Kota says sarcastically.

I jump in too just to annoy Phil "They could have been Clinton, Obama, Nixon, Reagan; the usual suspects."

"But noooo," Sean says dragging out the word, "these guys have to find the creepiest masks in town."

"Enough!!" Phils says while throwing a newspaper on the table in front of us. "Now they've stepped up their game, robbing a well known jeweler right here in Los Angeles. Taking off on motorcycles, even doing tricks on the freeway while being chased by the cops. Like they were showing off."

"Why didn't the police catch them?" I ask.

"There were too many. At first we didn't know it was the same group. Only two jacked the place wearing the masks. We thought they were copy cats. Once on the road they all came out swapping bags, disappearing, reappearing. The police couldn't keep up."

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